"I'm home," Lex announced and he took his shoes off. He went to the kitchen and saw his mom cutting meat at the kitchen counter. 

She turned to him and her blue eyes brightened when she saw him. "Hi sweetheart," she said as she kissed his head. "How was school?"

"It was alright," he muttered. "Mom, I got something for you." His cheeks turned pink when he showed her the lily.

"For me?" She asked. Lex nodded with his eyes fixated on the floor. His mom took it from him. "Thank you, sweetheart."

"Mom?" She looked from the lily to her son. "Can I stay at a friend's house this weekend?"

His mom sighed and combed her long, blond hair with her fingers. "You know that I can't decide that. You have to ask your dad about it."

"I know," he mumbled. "But it was worth the shot."

The days passed by quickly and the driver dropped him at his friend's house. Lex rang the doorbell and his friend opened the door.

"Hi! I'm glad that your dad said yes." Lex laughed awkwardly. "Come in! My parents are in the living room right now." 

Lex entered and took off his shoes. "Where can I put my bag?" Lex asked.

"Upstairs in my room. I'll show you the way." His friend began walking already, but Lex stopped him.

"Shouldn't I greet your parents first?"

His friend sighed. "But I want to show you my room. I even cleaned it yesterday!"

"C'mon. It won't be that long. Where's the living room?" Lex asked. His friend showed him the way. In there, they saw his friend's parents watching a comedy show. His mom was laughing loudly as his dad almost fell asleep next to her.

"Mom! Dad! Alexander is here!" His friend announced and they both turned to him. 

His mom stood up and went up to Lex. "Hey, Alexander. I've heard a lot about you these past days. I'm very confident that my son won't bore you."

"Y-yes. Please take care of me," Lex stuttered. 

His friend grabbed Lex's hand and dragged him upstairs with him. "Call us when food's ready!" His friend yelled. When they got into the room, he closed the door behind him. He turned to Lex with a smile. "So? What do you think of my room?"

"It's nice," Lex muttered.

"Is that your only response?" His friend asked. He shook his head. "Never mind that. What do you want to play first?"

A few hours later they were called by his friend's mom. Lex and his friend looked up from their paintings.

"Food's ready!" They both stood up from the ground and ran down the stairs.

"What are we going to eat?" His friend asked.

Lex nudged him. "You can't just ask that! That rude," Lex whispered. His friend frowned.

"What kind of rule is that?" 

His friend's mom turned to them. "I wasn't in the mood to cook, so I bought pizza," she said. Lex stared at it with a raised eyebrow. "What's wrong? Aren't you a fan of pizza?"

"I've never tried pizza," he muttered. "My mom always cooks."

His friend gasped. "For real? Now, this will be your first try then!" As they were eating, his friend kept asking him if he likes it. Lex nodded in response because his mouth was full and his dad didn't like it if he talks with his mouth full. Lex was also glancing at his friend's parents because he isn't used to his own parents being together like that. His dad is always serious and his mom only smiles when he's around. Lex didn't know what was right and planned to ask his dad about it. 

The following day, Lex knocked on the door of his dad's office."Sir? Can I ask you a question?" Lex asked. 

His dad glanced at him and continued to read the newspaper. "What is it?"

"Not to be rude sir, but why can't mom say anything back to you?" He asked as his voice got lower by every word. 

His dad looked back at him and raised his brow. "Are you questioning my ways?"

"N-no! Not at all, sir!" Lex stuttered. "I'm just curious because at my friend's house it was different than here."

His dad sighed and stood up from his chair. He went to him and kneeled right in front of Lex. "What you saw yesterday at your friend's was just an act that grownups do when someone comes over. Everyone lives the way that we live. The men are the breadwinners and the women stay at home and do everything that their man asks them to do."

Lex frowned and looked into his dad's dull brown eyes. "So everything is just an act?" He asked.

"Everything's just an act, Alexander. Someday, you also have to find a wife and act when guests come over. That's just the way it is."

Back to the present

The bullet hit Lex's head as Roy pulled the trigger and killed the man next to him. When Skylar saw the color of Lex's face drain, he let loose of the body and went to his dad. Roy walked up to him and Skylar let himself fall. Roy caught him right on time and gave Oliver a thumbs up. Oliver nodded and packed his things up.

"We finally got rid of him Sky," Roy muttered. Skylar kept silent. "What do you want to do now?"

"I want to see Ashton," Skylar mumbled and touched his ribcage. "I don't think that my ribs are broken."

"We'll do a check-up first in the car." Skylar groaned. They silently walked to the car.

"Hey, dad. I want to retire as an assassin. I'm done with this lifestyle."

"I'm happy to hear that," Roy smiled.

"But can I come by and do some jobs when I want to?" Skylar asked with a hopeful smile.

Roy sighed. "Of course," he grinned. 

Skylar's phone rang and he picked up without looking at the screen. "Hello?"


Skylar chuckled. "You idiot. You're so dead!"

A/N HOORAY TO ME! I FINISHED THIS BOOK! I'M SO HAPPY YET LOWKEY SAD! Thank you to all the people who stuck with me until this point. It has been over 10 months since I started this book. I still remember coming up with characters in the car as we drove back home at midnight. And also writing the first chapter while screaming at my cousin that there's nothing wrong with gay people. To be honest, this book was supposed to take a bad turn after chapter 5, but I'm glad that I didn't do that. If I had to take a look at the book self, I'd give it a 7/10. The story is something that I'd read, I fucking love the characters and it's okay written (in my opinion then). The bad part of this story is that the beginning is cringy and I still have many regrets. But I'm not changing it.

If you're shocked about Lex's backstory, you're not alone. I had a mental breakdown for 2 weeks and I wanted to finish this chapter this week. So I came up with something. I hope that it wasn't shitty. And I'm not doing an epilogue anymore. I'm celebrating tomorrow (cause I'm getting paid tomorrow) and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

Ps. I'm uploading an afterword chapter tomorrow to talk a little more about the spin-off

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