Chapter 1- On The Train

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*Draco POV*

I was greeted on the platform with multiple stares and people looking at me with disgust as I got closer to the train. You see the seventh years that didn't get to finish their year got invited back for another year to finish their magic education, that is why I'm back. I got on the train and sat in an empty compartment alone with my knees to my chest.

I heard a knock on the door to see Blaise and Pansy walkig in and sitting oppisite me. I bring my knees down and send them a small and sad smile. Pansy returns the smile and speaks first "I hope it's okay to sit here Draco. We wanted to check up on you." she says "I suppose I'm okay, I mean everyone has a reason to hate me. I did kind of almost kill Dumbledore and get a hug from the almighty Lord Voldemort. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I didn't want anyone to die but him! Now with all that's going on it's my fault and me who should die." I replied. Pansy and Blaise looked at each other with worried eyes and looked back at me, "mate none of this is your fault, you didn't want it to happen. No one did. It's old Voldy's fault. He was the one to make all of this unfold. He watched everyone die." Blaise said.

I mean I guess he's right but it is my fault too, I didn't want to but he made me do all those things in 6th year. Otherwise I'd be dead. I turned to look out the window "I guess you're right Blaise. we should get our robes on, we'll be there soon." I said getting up to go to the changing rooms as they nodded ans Blaise joined me as pansey would get dressed in the compartment.

We got off the train and I saw something pulling the carriage. Something I havn't seen before, I think they're thestrals. They can only be seen by people who have seen death. I imagine most of these kids can see them now the war is through with. I got on the carriage, the thestral pulling it, and started off towards Hogwarts.

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