And soon enough, her small master plan worked. Kind of. Ashlynn heard a scraping against the cement, which was new to her and she presumed it to be a scooter or a skateboard.

The scraping slowed to a glide beside her, making the blonde look up with a small smile.

"Hey, I'm Max." Ashlynn chewed the inside of her cheek nervously, she was antisocial and nervous when it came to new people.

"Uhm, hi. I'm Ashlynn, you're in my science class." Max raised an eyebrow. Shit, Ashlynn thought, I've messed up already.

"You know, the blonde who, uhm, p-popped bubblegum on her nose?" Max chuckled softly, patting Ashlynn's shoulder playfully.

"I know, I'm just messing with you, Ash." Ashlynn hummed with a small smile, a nickname?

"Ash?" Ashlynn questioned, unable to stop her smile at Max's nickname for her.

"Yeah, Ash, decided thats my nickname for you." Ashlynn smiled, her nose scrunching up softly.

"Okay then." Ashlynn paused, thinking of a nickname, "Red, do you like video games?" Ashlynn questioned looking up at the taller girl, who was now even taller stood on her skateboard, receiving a confident nod.

"Yeah, I love them." Max grinned, "What about you, what's your favourite thing to do?"

"Uhm, I guess I'm more of a board game girl. I like d&d and I love reading." Ashlynn told her, her voice gentle. Max smiled, she found Ashlynn interesting. She was clearly a quiet girl.

"Bookworm." Max teased, ruffling her hair gently. Ashlynn gasped a little under her breath but forced herself not to flinch. Nobody has hurt her since him, nobody will again. Hopefully.

Max looked back, her red curly hair flailing around slightly, though Ashlynn found that one movement to catch her eye. The way her red hair framed her face as it fell back down, cascading down her shoulders like it had before.

Max quickly pulled a piece of paper from her back, the corner of her mouth lifting up into a mischievous smirk. She leaned against the brick wall of the school, one foot on her skateboard, and scribbled something down. Ashlynn watched her with curious eyes, her book held up to her chest as she stood.

Max popped her skateboard up into her hand smoothly, Ashlynn watching in awe. Max giggled at her shocked face before the two made their way up the stairs to the school.

"I gotta go, you coming?" Max questioned, throwing the paper ball into the trash below them.

Ashlynn shook her head gently, smiling, "I'll see you soon?"

Max smiled softly, nodding, "Yeah, See you later, Ash."

As soon as the red headed girl walked into the building, the four boys she'd reacquainted with came rushing over.

Dustin threw himself over the rim of the metal, fence-like bin. Ashlynn recoiled slightly at his behaviour, judging him silently.

"What'd she say?" Lucas questioned, wrapping his fingers on the fence Ashlynn leaned against. Ashlynn hummed her favourite song, ignoring him. She wanted him to say please, manners never did cost anything.

THE NIGHTMARES • Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now