Attention (66)*

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~Next Day~

Jin: "Jungkook, aren't you going to bathe now? It's getting late already."
He peeked into Jungkook's room and saw him playing on his black laptop, presumably with the maknae line.

Jungkook: "Soon..."
He replied nonchalantly.

Seokjin rolled his eyes with a huff.
Jin: "That's what you've said three hours ago... can you stop and go now?"

Jungkook: "Just one more round..."
His attention was not even here to listen to what Seokjin had just said.

Seokjin sighed, thinking if he should just throw Jungkook into the toilet right now, or just leave him to stink tonight.

Jungkook: "Ahh Jimin hyung! Seriously! I'm in the same team as you, dumbass!"
He shouted into the huge headphone agitatedly, his face red from irritation.

Seokjin walked back to his own room, knowing that the younger won't be finished with his games anytime soon. He sat on his bed and looked through some recipe books he'd borrowed from one of his kind colleague yesterday.

He rarely gets any day off and he just hoped that Jungkook could spend more time with him when he's finally at home. Tomorrow he'll have to be at the restaurant from 8 am to 10 pm— another day without seeing Jungkook.

Jungkook seems to have heard Seokjin's silent plea as he finally decides to keep his laptop. He stretched his sore body and walked straight to Seokjin's bedroom. He swung the door open and popped his head in, showing his teeth.

Jungkook: "Let's bathe together!"
He suggested happily.

Jin: "I've already bathed, it's 10 pm."
He deadpanned, eyes on the book.

Jungkook pouted silently.
Jungkook: "Are you angry?..."

Jin: "No? Do I look like I am?"
He looked up at Jungkook for a few seconds before averting his gaze.

Jungkook closed the door behind him and walked into the bright room. He tugged on the hem of Seokjin's pyjamas, trying to act coy to beg for forgiveness.

Jungkook: "My precious Jinnie hyung~ Kookie's really sorry for playing his games for so long... time just fly pass without me even noticing whenever I'm on my laptop... don't be angry, hmm?"

Seokjin tried to ignore Jungkook's existence in his bedroom and flipped through the book like he heard nothing.

Jungkook puffed out his cheeks in annoyance and straddled Seokjin's waist, grabbing the book away from his hand before throwing it onto the floor.

Jin: "Yah! That's my colleague's book!"

Jungkook: "I don't care who's stupid book that was... attention on me now!"
He cupped Seokjin's cheeks in his hands and forced him to look into his eyes.

Seokjin sighed silently.
Jin: "What do you want?"

Jungkook: "Bathe with me."
He repeated himself, but his tone was much more demanding than before.

Jin: "I told you that I've already bathed earlier. Why the hell would I want to bathe with you for the second time?"
He pushed Jungkook's hands away.

Jungkook: "Then we have no choice but to make you all dirty and sticky again."
He brought Seokjin into a kiss.

Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows and tried to push the younger away, but he's already melting into the kiss against his will. Their tongues swirled and danced around in their mouths. Jungkook broke the kiss just to place pepper kisses down Seokjin's sensitive neck.

Jin's Little Bunny✔ (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now