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Aug. 20

Alycat pov.

I wake up thinking about how today is going to go because of what happened yesterday with Bob. I look at my phone to see a text message from Jake saying good morning Cat hope you have a better day than yesterday and if you need anything let me know. 

I test him back saying good morning Jakey hope you guys win today's game and thanks for being there for me, talk later bye. Jake texted bye and your welcome. I get ready for work and made some food for me to eat now and for lunch. I get to work to find out that Bob is not coming in today so I am teaching class today but he will be back tomorrow. 

I got scared but I can't show it today, I get to my classroom to find a single blue rose and a teddy bear with a card on my desk. I open the card and it read, "Dear Cat I hope today is better than yesterday but if something happens look at this blue rose and hug the bear and text me I will try to answer you but if I can't I will when I am done playing, you are the best hope today will be better ~ Jakey ⚾️💙. 

I get all the papers out for the students and pulled up the paper on the smartboard. After I get all the school stuff done, I get my phone out and call Jake. 

Phone conversation (J is Jake and A is Alycat)

J: Hey 

A: Hey thanks for the flower and teddy bear

J: you're welcome, I had to do something to make you happy after what happened and I like it when you are happy 

A: you are the best but I feel like I need to do something for you 

J: you don't need to do anything for me ok, I am fine and you have so much going on in one day that you don't get a lot of sleep, I just want you to be happy because you deserve happiness in your life. I am going to let you go so you can teach those students ok bye.

A: your so sweet and bye

end of phone conversation

Jake is the sweets person I have met, but I need to focus on teaching the kids. Soon all my students come into the classroom and started working on the bell ringer and talking with each other. The bell rang and one student asked Miss Alycat how are you doing, I said I am doing good, how are you doing she said fine. Another student asked where Mr.Pink is and I said he is not here today because he got sick last night. 

You guys are stuck with me today and they all said yes. After answering all their questions I started teaching them the lesson, I go slow and explain everything so they understand what they have to do on these type of problems and how to solve them. We finished the lesson so I give them the homework sheet to work on and I collected the one from Monday so I can grade it.

 I told the class that there will be a test next week on Wednesday, if you need help you can stay after school or come before school or during your lunch and I will help you so you can understand what you are doing before the test. They said ok and started working on the homework. It went nice and smooth for rest of the day with nothing bad happening. 

All my students like my teaching and want me to teach when Mr. Pink is back. It's lunchtime, during lunch I look at the cubs sore and it is 8-0 and the cubs are winning. I look to see what Jake did and he got two home runs, two doubles, and one single they are in the 5th ending.

 There was a knock on the door so I said come on in, the door open and one of my students comes in and says Miss Alycat I need help, I don't understand what we are doing can you please help me.

I said yes I can thanks for asking for help, have a seat, and pull out all your worksheets so I can explain everything better for you. My student said ok, well I go to get my worksheets and a whiteboard. We get started on the first worksheet and that was the topic we did last Wednesday.

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