She throws her hands up with exaggeration. "Are you ignoring me?" Her rhetorical question fills the bedroom. She knows that he is. She's trying to have a serious conversation that will get them somewhere close to a solution, and he won't even listen to her.

Gabriel is a man who loves confrontation, but with Miranda it's different. He knows she has a kind heart and an attitude of a lion. The downfall of her personality is that she risks too much to protect someone who's worthless. Julian doesn't deserve Miranda's help after calling her an enemy. If the God ever knew that Gabriel and Miranda have a one way connection that she's able to see through his eyes, Miranda might be stripped from her name as an Adviser Elim. If he only knew that Miranda probably tells Julian most of the decisions the God has set against him, she'd be sent to the Underworld to live an eternity as a prisoner to Hades. Gabriel closes his eyes at the thought. He won't let that happen to her.

"Are you going to continue to ignore me like a child?" She asks him.

"I don't know what I can tell you." He shrugs.

"You think I'm trying to justify him, don't you? You know I never have. I know when Julian does something wrong, I confront him. I never justify him."

He turns around to face her. His cold gaze meets her challenging one. "You always do."

"He wasn't trying to kill Alyssa before!" She practically yells. She's frustrated that he won't see things her way. She's always been right before when it came to things surrounding someone getting hurt.

"He was always trying to kill her!" Gabriel yells back. "You knew that from the beginning. Your feelings toward him don't let you see clearly of his true motives."

She's taken back by his outburst. She knows exactly who Julian is. She knows he's slowly losing his control. No one will listen to her until it actually happens. It's been happening for years. Julian has his moments of weakness. In small amounts he'll have his episodes of the king he used to be. It scares her to think that one day he can snap and lose himself to the darkness he grew up in. Gabriel and the God don't understand that.

"I see my friend following a dark path that no one notices. I see a woman who's in danger. I don't know what your definition of being an Elim is, but to me it's about helping others find light to their lives. What if it was us? Would you even care?" He just stays silent. Her eyes never leave his. She sighs and nods her head in regret. As much as she would like to have him support her she knows better than to hope for that to happen. "I'll do something about it. I can't let him harm anyone in his condition. It's not right and neither is trapping him like a dog." Gabriel ignores her last comment. She knows exactly the solution he's leaning towards if Julian poses a threat. Trapping a man in the Underworld with the Lost Souls is cruel to do when Julian can't even control his dark side. If a Lost Soul enters his body, then there will truly be no chance in saving him. Realization hits her. "I know why you would want to trap him with the Lost Souls. You want him to do something, that's why you won't-" She takes a deep breath from all the thoughts running through her mind. "You make me sick. How can you set him up like that?"

The Authority Elim observes her. He doesn't want her to say anything to anyone. "You're too smart for your own good Miranda." He comments.

"You know what you're doing isn't fair. You're not fighting fair."

"When it comes to Julian, playing fair isn't an option."

"Then help me save him!"

He shakes his head. "I can't do that."

"I'm so disappointed in you. I never would've thought that you'd do something this horrible. What else are you willing to do to get everything your way?"

No More Tears, Julian (Indignation)Where stories live. Discover now