I Didn't Know If It Was Too Cheesy

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Louis was on my bed, on his side, his back facing me. I walked in quietly and placed my fists on the edge of the bed, leaning over to him. I was happy my bed didn't creak. I leaned down and planted a small kiss on his cheek.

Louis dropped his phone and quickly spun his head to look at me. "Jesus, Haz! You scared me."

I laughed softly and placed my head on his slightly turned shoulder. "You ready?

Louis hummed and leaned in, kissing me. It was a weird angle to kiss, but I was kissing him, so that's all that mattered. I did pull away before it could get heated. I wanted to tell Louis already, but I had a plan. I got up and offered him a hand. He grabbed my hand, and I pulled him up. We headed out, hands clasped together and fingers laced.

"Louis and I are going out!"

"Be safe!" Amar screamed.

We got into my car and buckled up. "Is this a date?"

I put the key in and started the engine. "It's more of a break. We need to take a breather from all of this; just you and I."

Louis nodded. "Okay, so, what do you have in mind?"

"Well, first, I need a pick-me-up."


Louis got a hot chocolate, saying he didn't want a coffee, but I bought him some pastries. I got an iced coffee with a cream stuffed doughnut.

Louis set his cup in one of the cupholders. "Alright, you have your coffee, now where to, Harold?"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "What is it with you and nicknames? And Harold? I'm younger than you."

Louis shrugged. "It sounds nice, better than Haryoung."

I rolled my eyes and tilted the wheel slightly, merging into the highway. "Okay, so I don't have anything planned."

"So, we're just going to drive aimlessly?"

"No, well, yes, but we're together. It could be a mini road trip."

"Where we don't go anywhere?"

"I bought you sweets at the cafe," I said, "why are you acting like a downer?"

Louis laughed. "I'm simply stating facts."

I rolled my eyes once again, but Louis did lighten up. I put music on, and we jammed out, getting odd looks from other car drivers.


"It seems like forever ago that we came here?" I said, bringing the spoon to my mouth.

We were seated in the same table we first sat when we came to this ice cream parlour. I chose to ignore the fact that I've been in there earlier with Tessa.

"We've been through so much since then," Louis said, grabbing one of the napkins to wipe his mouth.

I nodded, looking back at everything we've done. "Yeah, we went from friends to boyfriends in three months."

Suddenly, Louis started blushing. "I had a crush on you for a while."

"I knew."

Louis' eyes widened then squinted in confusion. "You knew? How?"

I rolled my eyes. "Within the two first minutes of meeting you, I knew you were physically attracted me. From your attire, I knew you didn't get much sleep the night before due to studying late and/or stressing over reading my journal or not. I could also tell that you are a kind, confident and extroverted person, but not narcissistic."

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