Author's Note

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Well so...This'll be my 2nd fan-fiction on wattpad, and I promise you that this is gonna be better than my 1st book destiny of vermilion. For the people who had always there for me and supported me from the beginning, please accept this book as a gift from me. For the new readers on the other hand, thanks for accidentally or purposely coming across this book. For all the K-Drama fans out there, you'll find a few familiar incidents within this book as I had included a few ideas from Goblin and Hotel Del Luna. Don't mind me I'm a big crazy fan of those two dramas and I couldn't help it. 

Also a shout out for all the Noragami (anime) fans out there! This story too will be based on a god. Or should I say, the god of life?

(Important): I would be using real characters from the Korean history but keep in mind that this story and plot is of my creation and fictional.

I hope you guys would enjoy reading this multi genre book and don't forget about the specialty of this book. It's a Reader x Taekook book so ya'll have to wait till the end of the book to find out who'd end up with you.

So....What are you waiting for? Go! The prologue is already up!

Even If I Die, It's You ||Reader x Taekook|| ✅Where stories live. Discover now