Ruki's Stress

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(A/N: Hey there! I hope you enjoyed that last chapter! What do you think of the story so far? It is the seventh chapter, isn't it? Holy crap. Seven whole chapters that I've already written lol. A pretty big deal for me. Well, above is Adam! Handsome, no? The song attached is Sleeping Inside-Lilium. 

Thanks for reading!



Akane whipped around, her eyes wide as she saw someone she didn't recognize standing there. He grinned at her wickedly, his light blonde hair flipping over his eyes. 

"What a cute thing you are." 

"W-Who are you?!"Akane hissed, jumping up. She held her hands to her chest defensively, stepping back. She whipped around in surprise as the person had disappeared and reappeared behind her, his hands on her shoulders. 

"Come now, what's with that harsh tone, Akane-chan?"He asked. Akane stiffened. He smiled at her pleasantly. Akane looked at his hands on her shoulders. 

"Let go of me...I don't know you!"

"Of course you do, Akane,"the guy murmured. She sent him an annoyed look. He closed his eyes and grinned happily. "I'm Adam!" Akane stiffened, remembering the Crying Woman's words. 

"Don't trust Adam."

Akane stared at him in shock. He smiled down at her, his eyes tracing over her. 

"My, you are just the cutest thing,"he gushed. Akane's brow pinched together. He grinned, his fangs visible. "I could just eat you up..." Akane was suddenly pulled backwards away from the guy. Ruki's arms wrapped around her as he jumped away from "Adam", sending him a dangerous look. Akane looked back at Ruki in surprise. Ruki didn't look at her, his arms holding her tightly to him. "Oh, damn. You had to spoil my fun."

"Who are you?"Ruki muttered, his aura dangerously dark. Akane stiffened against him, her eyes falling to the blonde guy. 

"Why, I'm Adam. I'm sure you've heard of me, haven't you?"He asked. Ruki sneered, holding Akane tightly. She stiffened at the sudden constriction around her. "Could you let go of my Eve, please? I think you're upsetting her...and I don't like when people take my things." 

"She's not yours...and how the hell could you be Adam? We were all trying to become--"

Adam interrupted him, letting out loud laughs. The two stood still, their eyes wide at him. Adam's snickers died down, and he wiped fake tears from his eyes. He sighed in joy, looking at the two. 

"You were trying to be Adam? You should know, Boy. You can never be Adam,"Adam told him. He pointed at himself. "I'm already him." Ruki stared at him in shock. Adam suddenly stiffened. He turned. "Hm, damn. I don't want to be around more than one Mukami at once." He sighed and turned, wiggling his fingers. He closed his eyes, grinning at Akane. "We'll meet again, My Eve." Adam vanished before their eyes. Ruki held Akane still in his arms, glaring at the spot where Adam had been standing. Akane swallowed. Her hand rose up, touching his arm lightly. 

"Ruki-kun..."She murmured. He quickly released her, stepping away. 

"Hey, hey, Ruki! Kitten! What's with the strange scent in this room?"Kou asked. Akane turned, looking at Ruki. Ruki wasn't making eye contact with any of them. We can't become Adam? He wondered. Ruki ground his teeth. There's no way...Karl wouldn't lie to us about this...I know we can become Adam. Yuma and Azusa also entered, standing beside Kou. His brothers stared at him in confusion. "Ruki?" Ruki looked up at them. 

My Eve(Ruki x OC)(Book 1: Mukami Chronicles)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ