" Oh... Er Yes we're fine. We were just…" Shaun trailed as he noticed the other occupants in the elevator along with Terry's triumphant look. Oh shit!

"Hey." I said giving a weak wave at the other occupants, along with an awkward smile. Then turning to Terry I said,

"I can explain." no doubt knowing that she would run straight to Ethan and tell him what would be her take on this situation. I know what it looked like and by the large smile forming on her evil face, she was going to enjoy letting the world know the wrong version of this whole story.

"Explain what Violet? Why would you need to explain anything to me?" She smiled sauntering by towards the hallway. Remembering the ghosts I grabbed her arm and pulled her back into the elevator.

"What the?" She shreaked.

"No wait there's…" I trailed as I noticed the lights were brightly burning now. I  hesitantly stuck my head out and looked around and everything was back to normal. No shadowy figures reaching out with clawed hands, no ghostly faces with yawning mouths, they were gone.

"What the hell? Where are they?" I whispered. Shaun poked his head out too and looked around and whispered, "They're gone."

"Let me go loser." I immediately let go of her hand and she walked back out of the elevator.

"You two are so weird, you belong together." Then she turned and walked down the hallway.

"Terry about what you saw-"

"See you tomorrow at school." She said cutting off my futile attempt at explaining what just happened and what she thinks she saw.

"Take care kids. You two should stay away from that stuff. Drugs aren't good for you dearies." The older woman said as she patted my and Shaun's cheek and got off as well.

"But we're not-" I didn't get to finish because the elevator's door closed and I sighed as I sagged against the wall. The other occupants which was just a middle aged couple, stayed on the furthest side of the elevator, looking at Shaun and I like we were going to rob them any second now. They mostly stared at Shaun, because he resembled that guy from the Crow. His mascara was streaked down his cheeks, and his eyes were blood shot from all his crying when he and Anna had their last reunion. No  wonder that woman thought we were on drugs, I can only imagine what I look like.

I started giggling, then full out laughing. Shaun looked down towards me, with a curious frown slowly turning into a smile,

"What?" He asked as I tried to catch my breath.

"Your mascara… is r-running." Then I burst out laughing even more, Shaun joined in, while we tried to wipe it off. We were laughing hysterically by the time the elevator dinged once again and reached the couples floor.

The doors weren't even fully open when the middle-aged couple ran out, you'd swear the place was on fire and about to crash any second now by the speed at which they left the little cramped compartment.

Then it was just Shaun and I in the cramped elevator. We were leaning on each other holding our stomachs as we laughed. Apart of my brain registered that we were in some kind of shock, and laughing like this was another way of coping with the fact that we sort of had a near death experience or the fact that we saw something unexplainable. I knew that this was far from funny, but I couldn't help it.

"You okay?" Shaun asked me as we settled down and the elevator came to a stop on the ground floor.

We walked out of the elevator and out of the hospital door so fast it was no wonder our shadows weren't left behind.

The Reaper's Keeper (UNEDITED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя