"Hello? Mom?"Akane asked. 

"Akane. Where have you been? I've called you." Akane stiffened at the angry way her mother said her name. Ruki paused, looking back at her, his hands not having opened the book yet. Akane laughed gently. 

"Yes, I'm sorry...I was trying to study with some friends,"Akane told her mom. An annoyed sigh came on the line. After a pause, her mother spoke again. 

"Tell me, Akane, how are your studies coming? What number are you in the class?" 

"Ah--I think I'm third? But you know, it's only been a week! I'm sure by the next test I'll--"

"Third. You're not first?"Her mother asked in disappointment. Akane's smile dropped slightly. Ruki frowned at the sad look in her eyes. Her mother sighed over the phone. "How expected of you. I thought sending you to that school would help you get better, not sink to the bottom. You remember our agreement don't you, Akane?" Akane swallowed. 

"Yes mother, but--"

"We will cut you off if you can not rise to the top as I ask of you. I have given you everything you've ever asked for and all I ask is that you be number one, and you can't do a simple thing such as that? Disgraceful. I fully expect a better report the next time I call." 

"R-Right...Of course mom..."


Akane held still, the phone pressed to her ear as the click indicated her mother hanging up on her. Ruki gazed at her silently. Akane felt the urge to cry tug in her chest. She smiled with a pained look, her eyes drawing down as she lowered the phone. Akane gently placed it on the nightstand. 

"Your mother...has she always spoken to you like that?"Ruki murmured. Akane swallowed, having forgotten that he was there. 

"Y-Yes, but I'm sure it just shows that she loves me,"Akane lied. She closed her eyes, smiling at him warmly. Ruki frowned at her. That expression...why is she being so kind to me when she's just had a conversation like that with her mother? "I'm hungry, but I need to go to the bathroom first. Hm, I wonder if I could make pancakes after?" Akane turned, standing. She started to the bathroom. "With bacon? Lots of bacon--" Ruki moved, his hand grabbing hers. Akane didn't turn to look at him. He gently drew his arm across her front, holding her back to his chest. His hand that held hers squeezed gently. Why am I doing this? Ruki wondered, slightly confused at himself. I just did what I felt like doing, but.... "W-What is it? You want my blood? I thought you would--" Tears dripped from her eyes, rolling down her face. Her chest jumped with a sob. "I'm..."

"Stop talking,"Ruki murmured. Akane let a shaky sob out. Ruki moved, turning her around. He pressed her into his chest, holding her still. Akane gripped onto him, crying hard. He sighed. "Why put on a happy smile if this is how you are in the end? I don't understand you." Akane shook in his arms. He stared down at the top of her head. Her Mother sounded so cruel on the phone... He remembered his own mother, frowning to himself. After a moment, Akane pushed him away lightly, her hand on his chest. She didn't look up at him, moving to rub at the tears on her face. She sniffled. 

"Sorry..."Akane muttered. Ruki stared down at her. Her hand curled into a fist on his chest. "I'm sorry..." Ruki frowned. Why is she apologizing? For crying? Or is it something else? Akane swallowed. She looked up at him and smiled happily. He could still see the sadness etched in her face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry on you..." Ruki didn't respond. Akane turned, moving and walking into the bathroom. She closed it and locked the door with a click. After a moment, Akane slid down the door, more tears falling from her eyes. She wrapped her arms around herself, crying silently. Ruki stared at the door, hearing her. He sighed. She pushed me away before she was done crying. Maybe I should just leave her alone for now. 

My Eve(Ruki x OC)(Book 1: Mukami Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now