Chapter 15

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"Ms. Knowles we discussed putting Notoria in a juvenile detention center for a few weeks maybe months."

Sister Kelsey was having a meeting with my mama today was the day we was suppose to go back to her.

I sat there listening to this bullshit.

"Why?" "Notoria was caught in bed with a guy last night and she's been sneaking out along with other girls after curfew."

My mama had a look like any mother that just heard they child been skipping school everyday.

"Notoria?" My mama asked.

I was too intoxicated to even understand what was going on. Right before this meeting we got high and drunk as fuck.

"Hm?" "Wanna explain."

I shook my head no. "So you getting locked up for some bullshit all you had to do was make it 3 months Notoria."

"You saying 3 like that shit just easy to do ma."

"It is." "No it's not. I was separated from all the people that helped me get through all the shit you put me through bruh. I was stuck in a house all day going to therapy like something wrong with me."

"Something is wrong with you Toria."

"Nah there's nothing wrong with me it's something wrong with y'all. The shit I've endured caused me to be like this so I mean."

"Notoria we just want you to go to the juvenile center for 3 weeks to sober up since therapy isn't working."

"Nah." "Toria."

"No ma Ian going." I got up and walked off to get Munch. I went to her room and got her.

"Hey Toria baby." Sister Linda said.

I actually like her. "Hey." "What's bothering you?" "A lot of stuff." "Why? Today's the day y'all go home."

"More like muchkin goes home they're sending me to a juvenile center to get clean." "You started back drinking?" "Never stopped but it was only a little."

"A little turns into a lot over time."

"I mean yeah but I can control it." "Can I tell you a story baby girl?"

"Sure go ahead."

"Okay." She handed me Munchkin.

"My aunt was 22 when she died from liver damage and alcohol poisoning.

She was a rich uppity college girl. I loved and looked up to her because she was everything I wanted to be while I was stuck practicing to be a nun.

My aunt was a wonderful lady when sober but she drunk day and night until one day she was leaving a college party and her car smacked into an innocent mother and daughter.

She was drunk 10 times the limit going 100 in a 40 mile zone.

The lady died and her daughter was left paralyzed forever. After that she felt so bad and guilty she attempted suicide but I found her in time.

She promised to get clean and never touch another bottle." "She lied?" I asked.

She shook her head no.

"She never drunk again but it was too late we found her dead in her sleep on Christmas Day. The liquor and drugs already took a toll on her small body early.

I was 12 when we found her.

That day I swore to never touch a drug in my life and I committed to being a nun."

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