Chapter 6❗

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*Friday Morning*
I woke up for school.

I got so much to do today. I took a shower, did my hygiene, brushed my teeth, and then put my clothes on.

*outfit in mm*

This week been going by fast, Tiffany ain't said none to me, and I haven't spoken to James since that day.

"Jazz You Ready?"

"Yeah, you driving?" I nodded. I grabbed an apple and some water then left. Jazz been kind of distant lately especially when Wiz around.

The ride to school was silent.

*at school* I walked to my locker with my headphones in and some girl came up to me.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"The principal been calling yo name on the intercom." she said.

"Coo." I closed my locker and walked to the office. "Wassup?" I said. "Ms.Jones head to the auditorium so we can set up and the program starts at 9 I hope you rehearsed and ready."

I forgot all about that damn program.

"Yea." I started walking to the auditorium trying to remember my lines which was a waste cause I didn't even have the paper.

We started setting up when I seen the same girl again staring at me.

"Is it true?" She asked.

"Is what true?" I asked confused as to what she was talking about.

"You tried to commit suicide over James Jackson?" I started laughing hard as fuck. "Naw it aint true who said that?"

"The whole school."

"They wrong that's why I'm giving a speech so they know the whole story." I said she smiled and walked off.

"Notoria it's almost time." the stage manager said.

I seen August lifting up speakers and adjusting the mics. We got real close since Ms.Daniels passed.

He like my brother and I feel like I can tell him anything without getting judge.

"Auggyyyyy!" I screamed.

"You always loud bruh?" "😂Yep" "You really gone do this speech shit knowing you got stage fright?" He asked.

"How you know about my stage fright I never told you about that?"

He looked down. "I can just tell considering you was so shy at the beginning of the year." he said.

"Oh okay." August be saying weird shit about me all the time that I never told him at first I thought maybe Ms.Daniels told him all this but ion know.

"Ms.Jones it's time." the principal said.

I started walking on stage as the stage manager brung the screen up with my lines on it.

I mouthed Thank You as he smiled he was actually cute.

The auditorium started filling up as I got butterflies.

"Breath in and out." he said.

I did as told and started to calm down. The principal walked on stage "Welcome students and teachers to this years Bully Awareness Program we have a guest speaker, a student that goes here actually who have been through it Notoria Jones."

I walked up as people started clapping.

I started reading the screen as I imagined myself on a peaceful island. "Hi, I'm Notoria Jones and I'm a victim. Bullying is a everyday thing at every school even adult hood. It happens on Social Media and ----"

Long As My Bully Love MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora