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to make or become different.
"Let's not push off the things we need to do today for tomorrow."
-Jung Hoseok


you woke up with hair all over your face. you groaned. "fuck, my hair..." you whined.

you looked at the tall mirror close to your vanity. hair was sticking out everywhere! up, down, and even sideways.

"wow. now i really look like a demon." you laughed. you wiped drool off of your face and looked at it in disgust.

"since when did i drool? i probably don't noticed." you thought.

"what's my plan for today? i'll walk around i guess..." you went to your closet and pulled out a jean skirt and black t-shirt, tucked in, with the word "hell" on it.

you walked towards the door and grabbed your wallet, phone, keys, and map. you locked the door and started on your way.

after a few minutes of walking around, you approached a park. there were a couple of families there, watching their kids play.

you received a notification from an app and didn't realize where you were going, so you bumped into someone.

"oof!" you both yelled.

you both got knocked back, holding your foreheads in pain.

you looked at the stranger and your eyes widened. "i am so sorry! i didn't look- i'm really-."

he cut you off. "it's fine." he looked up and oh hell, he was fricking fine.

his brown and white streaked hair was slightly covering his eyebrows, and his eyes...

wait, why aren't they white like his hair?

"are you sure you're ok?" you went a little closer about to touch his head. his hand swatted yours away.

"i told you i'm fine, now stop worrying about me and go." he walked past you when suddenly he got pulled back.

he looked down at your hand gripping his wrist, and brought his eyes to the back of your head.

"that was rude, i was trying to see if you were ok or not. you don't just swat my hand away like it's nothing." you said turning your head toward him.

his face looked surprised. his eyes widening and mouth slightly agape. "i-i'm sorry!" he said bowing.

you scoffed, "i thought you were in a bad mood."

"i'm sorry i was late to something and i was in a rush!" he flushed in embarrassment, clearly guilty now.

"at least tell me your name." you said.

"i'm sorry, but i really need to go!" he said starting to run off.

"but-." you reached out and frowned slightly.

"it's-..." he yelled.

you didn't hear him, since he was far away now. you grumbled, "wow, nice."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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demon kisses || m.yg x reader (ON HOLD, EDITING, REWRITING)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu