10: scared

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I walked in class it's been months since hero lefted and her didn't know where she was all we knew is that she ran off with that girl knight. rich and sam walked sat across from me they had ofsp for beating my ex and her cousin up for me I still haven't saw her since she beaten me and rich fought her.

" Cash mane you good." Sam asked me waving her hands in my face.

" Yeah I'm good just thinking." I said looking out the window the rest of the class went by fast I walked to lunch.

" Did you hear what happen to knight." Sam asked rich

" Huh what did you say." Rich asked stuffing her mouth I rolled my eyes they finna agrue in ...

" Well if you can HuH then you can hear me." Sam said I laughed

" Shut up dumbass can't you see our friend is hurt." Rich said slapping her. " Are you okay cash did someone do something to you." I shook my head no rich was so dam over proctive a kid tripped me and rich beated the kid up.

" Yes I'm ok hero called you last night." I ask picking at my food the

" Nah she haven't called since knight took her to France." Rich said so it was true she really did leave with her.

| Sam.|

So Hero ran off with knight to another country dam man I wish someone would scoop my ass up and take me to Paris.  I walked in class sitting in the back of class like always I don't have this period with cash or rich so I was bored out my mind.

" Hey Sam you did your homework." Blake asked me I rolled my eyes putting in my headphones

" Aye did you."

" If I don't answer your ass the first time what's make you think I was going to the second time. Plus I'm not giving you my work so you can copy off of." I said

" Bitch." Blake mumbled I laughed at him homeboy was seriouly mad cause he can't copy my work if you pay attention in class instead flirting with the school hoe all the time. i never seen someone who wanted attention so bad. The rest of class I worked on my essay for.

" Aye um can Saman come outside for a sec." Rich asked Mr Johnson she had a pass in her hands.

" Sure um Saman please step out." He said I got all my things and lefted rich was smiling hard I looked at her she pulled out keys.

" Whats that for." I asked her.

" My car."

" Your what."

" Well my sister car but she doesn't mind." Rich said pulling me to the parking lot where cash was waiting I looked at them.

Did you plan to leave school."  I  asked them sliding in the back seat cash was on her phone looking for songs.

" So sam guess where we're going." Cash said.

" Where back to school I hope." I said.

" no I got us tickets to the one and only Paris." Rich said I looked at her like she was crazy please don't tell me her sister is not letting her take her car.

" Does Jace know." I asked her.

" Of course as along we don't let her know it's missing."

" MISSING." I yelled.

| Knight.|

Hero wanted me to let Shawn back in the pack she didn't know him like I do sweet was out with papa looking for him. I was going to go into town to speak to the dark pack leader as I putted on my shoes sweet and hero walked in.

" We found him but there's one thing." Sweet said holding something in her hands.

" What." I said tying laces hero choked back a sob making me turn around sweet never opened her hands. I pulled her arm towards me opening her plam seeing his necklace.

" Knight we was to late." Sweet said lowly.

" il est notre frère." I cried holding his necklace against my chest I didn't know how I was going to tell my parents I wanted revenge for him whoever did this was going to die.

" We found him own the other side of the river." Hero said lowly I lost brakley and now shawn.

" Get the car." I said wiping my nose sweet and hero looked at me I know that I shouldn't go to this meeting but there was responsible that I had.

" Our brother just died and you want to go to some damm meeting." Sweet said.

" I know that." I yelled at her. " You think I want to do this shit man I never wanted to be aphla but papa made me. RÉPONDS-MOI." They think I wanted this no I wanted to live a normal life finish school.

"chevalier je suis ici maintenant il va bien le laisser sortir. papa ne vous a pris en charge parce que je suis descendu." Sweet said. " God I'm such a Imbécile." She held me

Hero sat in front of me and placing her hands own the side of my face it was like she knew want I was feeling. I broked down crying she to rubbed my back letting me cry on her shoulder. He wasn't supposed to die I was going to let him come back I was just mad. The meeting was starting and me absent made it looked bad for our pack.


I looked down at the letter that I received they found my real parents after 10 years I found them. The last time I saw them was I little knight was at the graveyard visiting brakley today. They was going to buried him and shawn next to him. The funeral was in two weeks sweet called her grandfather.

" I'm sure you want to see them." Charles said he was still in shock that Shawn was not coming home. The last time he saw him is when him is when he was kicked out the pack.

" I'm not sure if I want to." I said looking at the pictures they'd had other kids. It was late so I went to bed cash, rich was coming to visit. Maybe they should come another time but Sam said that they had to tell me something important.

The door opened and knight walked in she was covered in blood i jumped up.

" It's not mine." Knight said she didn't look like herself.

" They killed my brother did they really think I wasn't going to be able to make them suffer

" What." I asked her she didn't answer. " Knight who blood is it." I yelled

" His blood okay I killed him and his family." Knight yelled she didn't look herself. 

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