An Old Friend

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Nya's eyes had closed when she fell.

Could he be alive?

She opened her eyes and was hyperventilating.

Jay held her hand as she woke.

"Well, rise and shine! The others went to a Chinese restaurant, and promised to bring us some noodles. Are you okay? You passed out after sensei said that.... Thing about the.... Person."

Nya let him rant, she knew that she didn't have the strength to punch him right now so he would shut up, so she had let him rant for as long as he could. When he took a breath, the front door swung open and hit the wall hard.

What the heck?!

Lloyd yells.

Cole, Jay, Sensei, and Lloyd hurry to the computer room. Nya following behind.

"So, we saw some thieves bullying the store clerk; we tried to catch them, but they escaped. We found a picture of Zane and under it had these weird fortune cookies, they told us about a boat at the docks, and we have to go there without weapons."
Lloyd says.

"Well? Are we gonna just wait here or run there?!" Nya yells.

"Nya, it's tomorrow night."
Cole informs her.


The ninja try to rest that night.

But the thought of maybe seeing Zane again wouldn't leave their minds.

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