A Story

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Nya woke to the sound of a loud gong.

"Wake up my students! Today is a new day! Feel the sunshine!! " Sensei joked, and kept banged a golden gong.

Nya sighed and sat up, she grabbed her suit and went to the bathroom room to change.

No way was she gonna change in front of boys, especially ones she lives with.

She walked onto the deck of the bounty and stood next to a figure in black.

Her team was boys, and her.

There was a boy, who had grown up because of a potion.

His name was Lloyd, he was the green ninja.

Another was Cole, he was the ninja who controlled the earth.

There was a boy in blue, his name was Jay.

He acted like an idiot all the time, and his jokes were always terrible.

There used to be a boy on the team, a genius.

Zane, their sweet nindriod.

He is gone now, the ninja never even got to say goodbye.

"Nya! "

Nya shook her head.

"W-what?! "

Jay giggled and Cole sighed.

Lloyd stared as she silently questioned what was happening.

"Stretches Nya. "

Lloyd said, going into a pose.

Jay and Cole followed, so did Nya.

Hours passed, and the four walked back into the bedroom of bunks and flopped onto the bed.

They all began to joke and laugh at Jay as he tried to fake being a mime.

The next morning, Nya woke before everyone. Even Sensei Wu.

She dressed and walked to the kitchen.

She was wearing a dress, rare for her, a black dress.

This is the day.

Don't cry this time.

She thought to herself as she grabbed two pans and turned on the stove.

She plopped two four eggs into exhibition pan, and cooked them.

When they were a perfect golden brown on the edges, she laid them on plates and placed them on the table just as the others all walked in.

Sensei was last to sit, and Nya put down his plate.

"Sensei, it's the day. May I have the day for myself? "

Nya asked.

The others gawked at the question, and were even more shocked to hear their sensei say yes.

"How come we don't get the day? Whys this day so special Nya? " Jay asked.

Nya could feel the tears threatening to fall.

"I............i lost someone on this day.............many years ago. Some one very special."

She sobs.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry Nya."

Nya sobbed and sobbed, she hugged her sensei as Cole asked a question.

"Who'd you lose?"

"My b-brother................

After an hour of explaining every terrible moment of how her brother got lost, she finally ended her tale.

" Finally, I saw him. But a man had him in his arms, I tried to save him I really did, but I guess I just couldn't move I was scared. That's why I'm a Ninja, to help protect and save family's in danger, and to help cope with him gone. "

The boys were shocked.

"Nya, what did the man look like? We can search, we can help you. "
Sensei asked.

"He had midnight dark skin, and fire like red glowing eyes, he had a black robe with a purple belt. " Nya described him.

"My child, I think I may know where your brother may be. "

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