3 Fast Healer

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Frigid. Darkness. All I felt was my heart thumping and ringing in my head just loud enough to let me know that I, indeed, wasn't dead. My body felt cold and in pain. Throbbing and pounding with each labored breath I took. It nearly took all my strength to open my eyes. My eyesight was quite blurry after that. Everything around me faded in and out, almost like what you'd see in those action movies. Though, I'd never experienced it quite myself. When things did come into focus, I expected to see myself in my car or outside of the damn windshield with how hard I smashed into the other vehicle.

   Oh god. I hope they're alright. Please. Please be okay. The thought of injuring someone or possibly killing them from my decisions rattled my brain and forced the adrenaline I needed to look around and make sure they were okay.

Except I wasn't.

I was lying flat in the cold snow, staring at the grey sky and frozen trees above me. I gasped as I sat upright and threw up on my side. Red. All I saw was red. Iron-tasting blood splattered the snow beside me, causing alarms to go off in my head.

  Well, that's not good.

"Well, would you look at that! The little brat is awake." A deep dark voice startled me off in the distance.

Get up. You have to get up.

I hadn't a single clue who was speaking to me, but I had a gut feeling it wasn't good despite every fiber of my being wanting to lay there until someone came to my rescue. I was all I had. I reached into my coat for my knife or phone but only felt the thin fabric. Damnit. I squinted a few times and tried to breathe deeper to get the energy to move my legs.

"You know, we were warned not to lay a single finger on you. To just let you be until... we'll that's beside the point." He chuckled. " But you just wouldn't stop. This is the second girl you've tried snatching from me." He grumbled, approaching closer as his voice became much louder and the crunch of his steps in the snow. 

   Get up.

It's all I could tell myself. My body hurt in more ways than one, and moving my face up to look at him felt unimaginable. I could hardly make out his shape from a short distance away. The throbbing in my head worsened, and my vision waned in and out with each hit of fresh air. I had to stay sharp and keep fighting. But my energy was draining more and more. I injured my head a lot worse than I expected.

"Don't tell me you're more mortal than we were told. You should be healing by now. " he sneered. His voice was laced with hatred. Whoever this son of a bitch was, I swear.  You wait.

   The steps I heard only came closer, and it was only a second longer before my vision focused on him, glaring down at me. I gulped a large lump in my throat despite being so dry. He was a pale ghoulish-looking man with deep-set red-ringed eyes and red lips. His teeth were the whitest I've ever seen, with sharp canines that seemed much longer than usual. His hair was unkempt, and he had red streaks on his face that reminded me of hot wings. Besides the rather scary features, he is somewhat attractive.

  He smiled down at me with a flicker of fangs and grabbed my shirt collar, lifting me from the icy snow. I felt lifeless in this man's clutches, my eyes watered in ways I didn't know how to handle.

His red eyes peered at me, almost confused. "You really aren't at all what I expected. Hot. Sure. But pathetic." He dropped me before I knew it, and I came down with a smack into the snow before I knew it—a gasp escaping my already burning body. My head spun, but I forced myself up, trying to wrap my head around what I was seeing in front of me.

Chris and Aurora were lying on the ground motionless. Both were unconscious, if not dead. Blood-sprinkled snow surrounded each of them, and my eyes watered at what became of them. I couldn't tell if it was his monstrous self or the car accident. But surely I didn't hit them. There's no rational way to justify it. But the blood drips only made me look at our captor and his red-stained face.

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