6. Fanged up

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Snow fell onto my face. The cold flakes lay atop my lightly tanned skin, as soft as a feather, barely brushing my skin or melting away. A few small birds chirped and sang a little ways off so quietly that it reminded me that I was outside. I could see the white snow-covered tree tops that almost appeared to disappear in the icy air and the beautiful scenery around me. I must've been laying here for god knows how long just staring up and letting the snowflakes around coat my body in a thin icy layer.

Under normal circumstances, this would probably be freezing to the core though this time.. it felt comfortable and almost therapeutic. The coldness feels like soft ice kisses from Mother Nature herself. Welcoming me into its everlasting frozen blanket. If I focused enough I could see the difference in almost every single snowflake I eyed—every little flick and angle. 

   I smiled huge up at the beautiful gray sky and winced all at once. My hand shot up to my lips, where I felt warmth left over from my teeth. My incredibly sharp, unnatural teeth.  Fangs.

  They were knife sharp and hurt to even lightly touch and were slightly thicker than the others surrounding them. Long canines built for... well, whatever I needed them for.

  I swallowed back the little bit of blood that pooled from my bottom lip and was filled with warmth.  It wasn't the best tasting, but it had this... essence to it. Something foreign.  Almost sweet in a way as its flavors danced along my taste buds reminding me of its magical properties.

   My soft hazel eyes looked up at my raised hand. It was red-stained with what I presumed to be blood. Flashes of images plagued my vision. Red blood on tile floors scattered drops and smears. The screams were so horrible that they even made me uncomfortable. Body parts severed from other limbs were tossed amongst the corpses that were once whole and lovely. Roaring fires in the distance burning away curtains and lovely chairs and table clothes. So many dark, horrific sights that I could barely make out the people in them, let alone when or why. My face scrunched, and a hot tear ran down my pale complexion. 

   I gasped, bolting upright from the mattress, panting and covered in sweat. My eyes bounced everywhere around my room, almost returning me from my nightmares. My chest burned with the adrenaline my poor mind put me through. My throat felt a similar sensation and itch that I stubbornly ignored.  My skin was warm and glistening from the early morning Sun rays peeking through my shades and thin curtain.

Luckily enough, I was alone.  No blood. No bodies. No fires. No screams. Safe.

Nightmares. Great. Bring on sleep-deprived stress.

    I flopped back onto my pillows with a grimace and rubbed my face feeling a light headache already coming on.

  What in the actual fuck was that?

  Two water bottles on the side of my bed piqued my interest, and before I knew it, I was chugging both down like it was holy water from Jesus himself. The coolness refreshed my rather dry throat. Not quite satisfying its needs but helping to bandage it for another time.

  My phone buzzed alerting me free of the nightmare's effects. I swallowed and snatched it from its place charging beside my bed and scrolled away.

  "Hello?? It has been days. What's up with you?"-Celeste.

Along with that recent one were roughly 3 others and about the same from my mother and potential clients as well.

  Two missed calls from Mom.

  Shit. What day is it??

  I swiped my notifications bar down and realized two more days have passed. There's like no way...An aggravated groan escaped my dry lips and the phone was tossed onto the bed without a second thought.

Cruel Awakenings Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora