freaking me out - Colby Brock

Start from the beginning

And of course it's vice versa too. You were hardly just taking everyone's shit and walking around with that burden. If anything, you also vent to everyone else too.

It was only a year, and you'd managed to get yourself into probably one of the best friend groups around.

Colby would know.

However, there's one thing that Colby isn't sure of you lately.

Something has been very off when he sees you, and he's not sure if it's himself or if it's you.

It wasn't like this before, it only started happening recently. And because of this, it has Colby a little nervous as to what the fuck is happening to him.

He won't explain it to anyone, because he feels stupid. If he tried to tell them what the fuck was going on, then it'd probably turn out to be a blurb of words. Full of stuttering, mumbling and all around looking like an idiot. He doesn't even know what's going on, so why would he try to explain it?

Colby's eyes drag across the room, landing on you.

You're standing next to Katrina, covering your mouth as you chew. Every now and then you'll nod to let her know that you're listening.

It's pizza night, again.

Which means he has to sit through this weird feeling, again.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Colby tells Sam absentmindedly, as he gets up.

On his way over, your eyes land on him. Suddenly you're smiling, and you offer him a small wave, before going back to listening to Katrina.

Colby merely smiles.

Once the door shuts behind Colby, he locks it. And then, he turns to look at himself in the mirror.

"Okay, breathe," Colby whispers, taking in a deep breath, before letting it out, "Let's go over it, then."

This always helps. Listing how he feels at the moment, to decide what the hell is going on.

Okay, well Colby will start with the week it first started happening. When he started to become aware that something is wrong.

It was someone's birthday celebration, so everyone went out to the most popular nightclub. Along with that came the fact that people scattered, and left a lot of people in tiny groups.

Including you and Colby.

Colby mostly hung back, looking after you as you went off to have fun. However, he couldn't help but feel... he wasn't happy that you were going off to dance in the middle.

Dare he say it. Because he hasn't felt like this in forever.

He felt jealous.

Just a little bit at the beginning, but as time went out with you having fun with more and more people. Dancing with other guys, it made him feel sick and angry.

Colby doesn't think it's jealously. It can't be, because you're a friend.

Let's move on.

To the fact that every time you press your hand against his shoulder, or arm for even a couple of seconds, he wants more. And when you do it to others, it's that same jealous feeling.

That every single time you two talk, he feels like he could listen to you for hours.

How butterflies swarm his stomach when he thinks of you. And the fact that you make him feel nervous.

No girl has done that to him before and yet...

Here you are.

"Colby?" Sam's voice is clear, "Are you okay in there?"

Colby is hesitant when he answers, "Yeah, I'll be out in a second."

"Alright, we're playing games in like five minutes." Sam says back, and then he's gone.

Just leaving Colby there, staring at himself with wide eyes.

The last time he felt with way with a girl was... years ago. Years and years and years ago.


Colby likes you.

No, that's not right. He can't... he doesn't feel like he just likes you.

Colby loves you.

Getting those words out is almost painful. And Colby's mind crumbles in that moment.

Instead of Colby having girls chase after him, for once Colby is going to be chasing after a girl. And he's never had to do that before. They've always just came to him.

And now that...

Now that Colby has the chance of losing you to another guy.

Colby's terrified.

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