Saving Anna Lee

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Anna Lee was next. I wasn't there to save my Mother but what if I could save Anna Lee.

"Can you keep a secret Jack?" I asked, bringing myself back to the current situation.

"As long as it doesn't put my life in danger then yes." He smiled.

"Pinky promise me, Jack. A twins pinky promise."

"Fine." He wrapped his right pinky around my right pinky. A twin pinky promise as we call it. "Promise. Cross my heart hope to die poke a needle in my eye."

"Father is a killer."

There it was out. Either he will believe me or he won't. Anna Lee can't die. Jack looks at me like I have three heads. He's not going to believe me. Fine.

"Follow me if you want." I walk straight for the big wooden doors. A man on a mission, as some would say. Jack's calling my name. Chasing after me but he doesn't leave the banquet room. I make my way to the staircase, looking at the floor as I go. It's all happening in slow motion. I grab the rail and barely notice Anna Lee and run head into her.

"Go Axie. He's coming. Go back to the party. We're going to go take a ride." Just below her eye was a small cut where the ring caught her. A red welt was starting to form on her right cheek. She was choosing to leave with a man who was abusing her. Just then Father walked out of the room they were previously in. Anna Lee straightened her back and closed her eyes the best she could, without cringing in pain. It all happened really fast. At first, I saw my Father, but then I saw the monster. My scream was stuck in my throat. Anna Lee grabbed my wrist, stopping me from running. I whipped my head back to Anna Lee.

 "Don't scream," she whispered. "He doesn't like it when we scream."

I looked around in horror. My mouth was open but no sound would escape. My Father. God no my Father.

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