This isn't my Father

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" You're finally back. " A male voice urged.

"I'm not her Matt. Don't you see that?" A feminine voice pleaded.

Matt. Matt as in my Father. What was going on? I took the stairs two at a time but stopped when my father spoke again.

"You're everything I've dreamed of my love. Don't run like last time and we can be a happy family again." He said dreamily.

"Please stop. I'll scream for help." The lady was breathing hard. "Please Matt, you're not a monster."

My heart was pounding in my ears, my hands were trembling with fear. The voice in my head kept repeating my Father's not a killer, my Father's not a killer, my Father's not a killer. But then the logical part of my brain would ask, "Then how do you explain the current situation? If your Father's not a killer what is he doing to that lady?"

"Don't move and it won't hurt." My Father said.

The air in my lungs twisted into a knot. Suffocating me when Anna Lee needed me the most.

"Please don't, please don't." Anna Lee cried. "It's my wedding day. You said you wouldn't do it again. Please, please, please." Her sobs echoed out into the hallway and down the stairs.

"Be quiet." The slap was as loud as a clap of thunder. Anna Lee gasped in shock.

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