Temporal Anomaly

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Me: So..... what's wrong? *Rubs my eyes tiredly as I was woken up at 3:00am*

Sans: jeez no need to look so bone tired.

Me: *Laughs softly being interrupted by a yawn* Look not my fault I was woken up at 3:00am

Sans: haven't gotten much sleep since you and samus split huh?

Me: *Shrugs* She and I realized as much fun as we had that because of her work she couldn't afford to date. I can take care of myself but we've made a lot of enemies. So we split.

Sans: heh... but you seem upset

Me: Why wouldn't I be? We dated for a few years. 

Sans: *shrugs* dunno, just asking. you gonna be okay?

Me: Hm? Oh yeah i'll be fine.

Sans: all right, well it's not really my business anyway. *he pauses looking at the computer*

Me: So what is this stuff

Sans: a temporal anomaly. someone has been messing with time that isn't the kid. not that the kid can reset anyway, chara and frisk's determination cancel each other out. since they're both equally as determined.

Me: Okay? The-






Me: n what's happening

Sans: there it was again....

Me: Hm.... Can you track them down?

Sans: yeah, shouldn't be too hard. *he looks back at the computer* it's coming from egypt?

Me: Egypt? Why egypt?

Sans: dunno. *his eye lights up blue as we teleport to egypt and a man is standing facing another man with half of his body missing*

Me: *Looks on with confusion*

??????: Now if I wait until dawn, you'll turn into dust. There's only one reason why you lost, DIO. There's just one simple answer. *Tilts his hat down* You really pissed me off.

DIO: *Blue flames emit from the body slowly*

Me: Who is that guy.... 

Sans: we should come back later.... this feeling is ominous...

Me: *Nods and Sans teleports us both back*

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