Chapter 15 • Erev Tov | Reincarnated From Vanity

Start from the beginning

"Is that so?"

"What do you mean, of course"
"Just look at yourself~"

"Amy, please fetch the mirror please"

"...I heard that I was still held in suspicion"
"Am I?"

"You know, you're quite mature unlike children of your age"
"You've done a good deed and that's that"
"And we're not going to talk about your arm if it discomforts you"
"That just a minor detail"


"I'm sure everyone have something to hide, no one in exception"
"It's how were are able to move on with life that counts"
"And I'm sure that that mark holds meaning to you as well"

I look back at my arm.
Neatly knoted and wrapped in soft linen.
How long since I was nursed like this?


"Don't mention it"
"Here's the mirror"


Light blue and white with a hint of green embroidery.
Blue ribbons placed on many practical corners.
One on the head, one on the chest, one behind, one on each shoulder.
My white hair looked seamless with my dress.
Palette was a great match.
I really do look pretty~

"I know right!"
"I just wanna snuggle her right now"

"And. She's much more manageable than the princess"

"Haha you said that right"
"I can still remember her running away when dressing up for a ball"
"She could say things like it's too boring and clumsy"

"Though I still want to make her a dress though~"

"She'll happily accept a gift now from you though"

"No, no, I want to make a cute dress, small and cute dress for children"
"Though I'm happy she eventually did accept one a year ago"
"I already made 8 dresses for her, yet she never agreeded to wear one!"

"Umm then what did she often do during the day?"

"Ah that, she'll play with her brothers, climb trees, and practice magic."
"You'll be surprised how well she could climb those outrageous things"

"Such a lively girl"

"Now with this it is done~"
"Okay, listen here Shiori-chan, you have around another 45 minutes, you're allowed to go anywhere as long as you're in the first floor."
"Amy here and Isabella will accompany you while the rest will tend back to the princess"
Please be a good girl okay?"

"After of which you'll head to the Royal Castell, to meet up with his majesty"
"It's an hour journey to there"
"Lunch will be held with his majesty and the princess"
"Are you okay with this arrangement?"

"Yes, I understand"
"And thank you so much, Rebecca nee-san, Isabella nee-san, Amy nee-san, everyone"

As I did my usual Japanese bow.

"Very unusual hmmm, but well said~"
"See you later, little hero~"

As they left the room.


The royal dwells in either three royal sites:
* The Royal Castell of Fluoria
* Winter Mansion
* Forest Deer Mansion

Currently we're at the Winter Mansion.
and I had the pleasure of wandering around the mansion for myself.
Courtesy to the Princess.
I wonder what she's up to?

And if I might add a side note.
Concerning her residence.
That is if I had to describe it in a word...,
No three words;
that it would be.

Extravagant in excess

And such words I do not say lightly.
The property was enormously absurd, I have yet to dare say it's extensive size but I'll put an educated guess of at least 3 hectares.
Well, granted it was at the edge of the city; much potential for expansion.

For a practical explanation, it was divided between the outside and inside of the mansion.

The garden itself was grand enough as a spotlight.
It featured a bush maze with a fountain in the middle.
There was also little garden canopys in corners and edges.
Hopefully if the time comes and my luck wills it, I might try to explore it.
There was also a large grass field adjacent to the mansion mentioned.
That was probably used for outdoor events and celebration.

A flower garden was near, about 70 meters away from the mansion.
It was planted with mostly white roses.
Quite a true to the theme huh?

A vegetable garden about 800 meters away from the mansion was farm field.
I hadn't exactly checked it yet but judging by my eye sight,
they were growing tomatos, potatos, apples, pumpkins, and possibly peaches?

Even more interesting was the mansion itself. It was as large as an apartment building, with a color template consisting of hues blue and white.
Again with the theme.

You could sight the mansion about a 1.5 miles away, given the flat grass surrounding it.
It was an intimidating sight to behold.
The building was in a shape of a large "Π" or a product symbol.
But it is when you come up close when you can really appreciate the intricate little details on the architecture.

Up front, there was a stair case that led to 2 main doors.
That is the main entrance.
And through that, you'll be welcomed into the Main Atrium.
you can find a large Chandelier hanging above in the main hall.
The walls were nicely decorated in embroidery of light blue and white.
Art that portray that of landscapes and Fluoria's natural beauty.

From there you can wall through the building of seemingly the great history of previous kings and reach the back door.
Or you might take either a left to a hall, which you'll eventually will turn right.
And vise versa.
It's an U shape building.
You'll see a the similar in interest.
It will have paintings and pottery in ever adjacent corner.
Adding to the floor that was either marble or hard lacquered wood.

It has three floors for occupancy.
Bath- "grounds", training hall, kitchen, banquet and entertainment hall all on the first floor.
Private library, study room, laboratory, guest room, commons room, poets and gallery on the second.
Drawing room, Office, Management, observatory, and master room on the third.

A fountain and garden could be found on it's focal point.

I found my self enjoying nature much more though.
Fresh air is more appreciated when you grow of old age.
As I finally decided to settle down on a porch outside.
My mind and thought that wander along...

Sure is a different place from the slums huh?
If earth might have a place as such, surely that is of Europe.
Everything about me seems superficial..
There is so much question left unanswered...
What is my role here in this world?
I wonder if I can return home? To my old life?

As time slips by.
Having many thoughts and memories that greet back.
The reminiscing of the past.
Few joyful and some sorrow.
the life lived and yet to be lived.
In the shell of a young lies an old experienced heart.
The time has come.
To continue a life.

"Shiori-sama, your departure time is at bay"
"I suggest that Shiori-sama prepare herself."

"Thanks Amy..."


By : Joshua J. Susanto
29/9 - 2019

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