Birth & Continued

Beginne am Anfang

Those two met at one of the brightest star area and mated to each others.

The bond between them are strong and thick means those two can communicate to each others easily and very happy.

When it feels like several hours to them, they finally heard few whines and lullaby tones.

"They are here," Zero breathes before glanced over his shoulder. "Healer, how are they?"

A figure is standing in front of him. "Sirius is fine as well as their hatchlings," the man explains with tired but happy tone. "They are six healthy baby dragons."

"Oh my, six?" Pacifist looked surprised but relieved. "Congratulation Sirius!"

A tired but loving soft cooed echoing causing everyone to relaxed. "I have never seen such beautiful hatchlings before," Phoenix joined them. "They looked so different!"

"Really?" Zero remember one of the lone dragon looking after a hatchling in one of the mythical worlds.

They looked exactly the same but different. He wondered if Sirius and Celestial's hatchlings are looked like. "May I see?" He asked.

"Sure! Watch your steps though."

"By the way, where's Genocide?"

"Genocide is leaving to the world with greatest negative waves," answered Pacifist.

Healer nodded.

Zero walked through the portal and smiles to see Sirius asleep with Celestial sitting closely, lean down to nudged one of the hatchlings as its mewled then greedily drank some milk.

He stared silently.

They are very beautiful with different structures and figures.

They are very beautiful with different structures and figures

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Celestial rumbled softly, looking at his hatchlings warmly. Zero let out a rare smile and patted his head softly.

"Congratulations Celestial," he said. "You've become a father you always wanted."

'Thank you my friend,' the feathered white dragon said through his mind.


Pacifist followed behind with little Izuku in his arms. Hatchlings mewled, cutely burped after drank milk from their mother and fell asleep.

All but one.

A baby white dragon with colorful feathers chirped cutely, blinking its colourful eyes and shrilled with lullaby tone.

A baby dragon looked around and walked around clumsily with its father watching over.

Its chirped and summon a colourful ball unconsciously as it is floating above yet near.

"I supposed my theory about each dragons with different abilities are true," Healer said from the shadow.

They watched with little Izuku hugging a colourful baby dragon and snuggling together. Celestial purred with pleased eyes and lay his head on top of his mate's body.

Everyone are watching secretly by the portal, awed to see them.

"By the way, should we continued with that world?"

"I supposed we should,"

Phoenix squealed quietly, taking pictures of little Izuku and baby dragon multiple times.

Multiverse Of Midoriya IzukuWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt