Restless night

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The group slept, or at least tried to sleep. In Presturbo's ship, Pie kept pacing the bed. As he slept with Beta, he was not letting the black-haired rabbit sleep. Finally, Beta comes to an end of your patience.

Beta: Pie, look at me. What you have?

Pie: Something negative is coming ...

Beta: Something negative?

Pie: Yes ... something bad ... the stars so scared .... The brightness is disappearing ....

Beta got out of bed and went to the window. Black clouds covered the moon and the stars. And they were approaching very fast even though there was not a breeze in the air.

Beta looked at the Pie and noticed that Thinner and Ruby were awake.

Thinner: Apparently, we are not the only ones who have come to this condemned village.

Ruby: Wherever we go, we are always followed by them.

Presturbo entered the room. He also had felt the negative presence.

Presturbo: Her plan to conquer this world has already begun a long time ago. It has not yet materialized because of us.

Beta: And the worst of it is that we have a partner who does not even know half of what we've been through.

Presturbo: Half?! Not a third she knows!

Thinner: Guys! We're all awake.

They looked out the window. They were all awake. They had to gather to confirm the next target and tell Alice what's going on.

Presturbo: Let's start at the beginning. As you may have already realized, we are not just only explorers.

Alice: Given that I have a connection with one of you and you, guys, have contacts that do not even Devil himself can have, I think I have a little idea that something is happening here.

Presturbo: Correct. I will explain.

Presturbo showed his sphere of power. It was the electric sphere.

Presturbo: Do not be scared.

Alice: I'm trying...

Alice was hiding behind Mario.

Alice: And what do they do?

Presturbo: These spheres give great amounts of power to those who obtain them. Some people collect them to study them, others to use them with energy source for cities or villages. Other people gather in to conquer the world.

Alice: Conquer the world?

Mario: There is someone who wants the all spheres. She uses them to create the perfect world but, she is destroying everything in her path including Evangeline.

Alice: And how do you stop that that person, then?

Luigi: We have to find the spheres before that person. However without the power moons, power star and power gears we have no energy to travel.

Meanwhile the darkness outside was growing. The temperature was coming down.

Alice: I have some of those stars, moons and gears in my house.

Baby: Are you kidding?!

Legend: Just now what are you telling us?

Presturbo: It's worth later than never.

Mario: So when the sun rises we go to your house, Alice.

Alice did not answer.

Alice: Really? - after a short pause.

Luigi: Or do you want to go there alone?

Alice looked at the group.

Alice: You can come with me. I've been so lonely lately.

Thinner: But will we all have to go?

They looked at each other. There was no need to go all. They could separate to continue to explore the village and expedite the situation.

Mario: I can go with Alice. Brother?

Luigi: I'll go with you. The rest can continue the exploration?

The rest nodded. They had purpose already.


Pie, Ruby, Beta, Thinner, Presturbo, Baby and Legend belong to me.

Mario and Luigi belong to Nintendo.

Alice belongs to Team Ari.

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