An interesting child...

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Today it was the turn of the girls Baby and Legend to have a mysterious encounter. In the forest, two meetings were going to happen on that day. The brothers were going to meet Alice, the lady they met the day before. Baby and Legend were going to meet someone who could put the child of the Church to rethink about their faith.

On the way to more exploration, they are faced with a strange energy. Legend was the first to capture it.

Baby: What?

Legend: Are not you feeling it?

Baby closed her eyes and concentrated. There was something in the air. The girls began to observe their surroundings. At last they saw her. A child with a black hood and hood was watching them. A purple glow could be seen under the shadow that had to cover the eyes. The child turns, without breaking eye contact with them.

Legend: Looks like you want us to follow her.

Baby: You do that?

Legend looked at the child again. She was still there.

Legend: Come on.

Legend shook hands with Baby. There was no need to run. The girls kept their distance from the child, who continued to lead them into the forest. Finally, they stopped in a clearing. The child stopped in front of them and raised his hands. It was a sign he did not want to fight and removed his hood, revealing lilac hair and one of his purple eyes. His face was full of scratches.

Legend: Are you okay ?!

???: I am more concerned with my destiny than with my physical appearance.

Baby: Can you clarify that?

Legend: First of all, what's your name?

Isla: Isla is my name. I'll start at the beginning. I come from the Realm of Time. Do you know it?

Legend: I know it.

Baby: Shiny your knowledge on me then.

Realm of Time is a mysterious place. Some say it belongs to another dimension. Others say it does not exist. It is a place where people control their own time. If they want to remain children, let their wishes be fulfilled. And so on. However, they do not abuse this power because their mentality is different. They know when to stop using it and never use it for their own benefit.

Isla: The children there know how to deal with the problems of adults, although they give them problems in other dimensions. Realm of Time has more mature... adults.

Legend: Sometimes this mysterious kingdom gives missions to the inhabitants in an attempt to try to harmonize the remaining dimensions.

Baby: I suppose this girl was one of the chosen ones.

Island: Affirmative. I'm a time traveler.

Legend: What do you mean "I am more concerned with my destiny"?

Isla: It was sent here to try to improve Evangeline's situation. The way the village is, it will disappear. During the time I was here, I caught the attention of Marchionne. The leader of this city.

Isla put her hands on her bag that had been tied around her waist and revealed her Letters of Destiny.

Legend: These are the Letters of Destiny. They can predict fate.

Isla: Initially, Marchionne did not like me because of the magic I had but later, he was enchanted with me. We started spending more time together. He began to see me as his daughter yet. We were separated.

Baby: Why?

Isla: His parents came back and did not like meeting me. They do not think I deserve to be near their son.

Legend: This is absurd.

Isla: Unfortunately, I am forbidden to approach him. I was even threatened with death.

Baby: What abuse!

Isla: They think that the son should only dedicate himself to studies. However, he is losing his taste in life. I think he might disappear soon.

Legend: Suicide?

Isla: His religion forbade but ... I think his despair is going to get better of him. I do not think even Riba can stop it. Although he was never useful for anything, as matter of fact.

Baby: And you want our help to regain control?

Isla: Control is not quite the word I'm looking for. And I do not want it either. I want to belong to your group. My letters say that my destiny is with you. That's where I have to go.

Baby: Are you sure?

Legend: Can we trust you?

Isla took her hand up to her cloak and pulled out something that made the girls think twice. It was a Power Star.

Legend: How?

Isla: Stay with her. I love the brilliance and the magic that radiates but, I think you deserve it. I always walk around. You find me easily ... when your heart desires. - and teleported with the aid of her letters.

Baby went to collect the star.

Legend: We have a lot to think about.

Baby: You bet.


Marchionne and Riba belong to Team Ari.

Baby, Legend and Isla belong to me.

Mario and Luigi belong to Nintendo.

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