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"Onward peasent" Y/n giggled and pointed her finger towards the direction of the school. "Yes ma'am" both boys said, taking off for the school.

Y/n, Jim, and toby had made it to school just in time to have breakfast.

"I swear these mickey waffles are illegal to have here" the girl screeched as she shoved one in her mouth

"Then why are you eating it?" Jim laughed at her. "Because I'm hungry" she said with a resting bitch face that gave jim and Toby chills.

"oK THEN-" Toby said breaking the awkward silence

"I heard were gonna have a pop quiz in math today" Jim said, taking a bite of an apple. "Oh shoot really? Hecc I actually suck major ass in math" jim and Toby laughed

"Dont laugh at me nerds!" They stopped laughing, looked at each other and laughed harder. Y/n face flushed in embarrassment.

"Love you guys too" she said as she rolled her eyes, taking a sip from her chocolate milk. Jim blushed hearing that but still continued to laugh.

After the laughing had calmed down the trio discussed when there next hangout should be.

"Let's go to the arcade or something?" Toby suggested. "Sure I dont see why not, I'll just need a ride" Y/n said "yeah same, and I can give you a ride N/n" jim offered to the H/c haired girl. "Thanks jim" she smiled at him

He felt his cheeks flush a little, "of course, anytime"

And then suddenly the bell rang, signaling first period. "Alright I'll see you guys in class?" Y/n asked the two boys after she got up from the table.

"Yup" "definitely dude" they said. "Ok I'm dipping, peace" she threw up peace signs as she walked towards Claire.

"Hey what's up girl?" Claire said, giving the girl next to her a smile "eh, nothing much, how are you?"

Claire's smile grew wider "I'm so great!"

She shouted, gaining stairs from people walking by. She turned a little red, awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck, as she gave a shy giggle "whoops"

"Anyway, why is it so great?" The curious friend asked. "I got asked out on a date!" Claire giggled

"Ooo who's the lucky guy?" Y/n asked. "Girl, actually" Claire corrected her. "Oh" Y/n thought

"sorry, who's the lucky GIRL" She asked again

"Its fine, and her name is Jenifer! Shes a sophomore but we have Biology together!" Claire looked so happy

Her friend smiled at her "I'm so happy for you!" She gave claire a side hug. "Thanks"

"Anywho, let's get to class before Mr. Smith has out toes for dinner" Y/n said, picking up speed.

"Ew gross" her friend laughed. "Ok, let's race then" her friend suggested. "Aight bet Y/n said, ready to show off her super sonic skills

And with that the two girls took off.

... Y/n obviously winning


The day had gone by quick and the trio was already off to the arcade. Y/n had went home and changed into something a bit more comfortable, an oversized hoodie and ripped jeans

 Y/n had went home and changed into something a bit more comfortable, an oversized hoodie and ripped jeans

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"Aight I'm bouta head out" she said to her mom before she walked out the door. Her mother looked up at her for a split second and then rolled her eyes "ugh, teenagers and their weird words" she mumbled.

Y/n laughed at that and began her journey towards Jim's house. And by journey I mean like a 2 minute walk.

Back to the present now, Jim and N/n picked up toby along the way and now they were all going to the arcade.

"You guys brought money, right?" The girl asked the two. "Yup" they said in sync. "Ok just making sure" she said as they walked inside.

The trio purchased their tokens and towards the arcade games. "Aight I'm bouta beat yo asses in Donkey Kong" the girl said confidently to her friends "bet!" The boys shouted in unison, making their way towards donkey kong.

And the rest is history, Y/n kicked both of their asses and even won a cute teddy bear for creating a new high score.

"Totally awesome sauce n/n" toby cheered for you. "Yeah" Jim agreed.

Y/n looked at the bear and then at jim. She suddenly had an idea. "Here jim, I want you to have it" the girl gave him a closed-eyed smile.

Jim turned into Bob the tomato right then and there,

Jim turned into Bob the tomato right then and there,

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(Bob the tomato ^^)
"W-what?" The boy stuttered. "I want you to have it" the girl said slower, handing the prize to jim. "I-I cant take this, it's your prize!" He said in a defensive tone. "Too bad"

"I want you to have it" she put it in his arms and the boy turned even more red.

He awkwardly giggled and rubbed the back of his neck. "T-thanks n/n"

"No problem ji- oOF"jim had given her a hug. Now it was Y/n's turn to turn red. No problem" she smiled hugging him back


As this was happening our best boy Toby was taking pictures on the side for blackmail, and also because they looked cute together.

"I ship it" he said silently to himself, shedding a single manly tear.

A/n, heere's(😉) the update I promised!!

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