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taehyung rushed up in the morning. he scrambled around like a headless chicken. he looked for clothes, he took an hour in the shower, and ate a quick breakfast- which was an apple.

he really wanted to be absolutely perfect for this breakfast "date".

it wasn't even a date, he didn't understand why he was fussing over it. he stared at himself in the mirror for a hot ten minutes before letting out a wheeze followed by a croaky groan- falling back on his bed.

his moment of anxiety was rudely interrupted by loud knocks and a ugly voice.

"break my door down- damn jimin!" taehyung groaned and hopped off the bed to roll into the living room to open up the door.

"no need to get your pasties in a twist" jimin chuckled and shoved taehyung out of the doorway to let himself and his boyfriend in. "anyways- are you even ready to go yet?"

"maybe. maybe not. i don't know yet"

"how do you not know if you're ready to go or not?" yoongi questioned with a furrow of his brows and a scratch at his head.

"i'm ready... but not."

"taehyung you're making little to no sense" jimin sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"okay- i'm ready to leave as in, i'm dressed and such. but i'm not ready as in, i have to show up to this so-called date with two other people who will potentially be an embarrassment or a cock-block. hell, knowing you, jimin, probably both" taehyung fussed and threw himself back on the bed.

"i would never embarrass you, you selfish rat!" jimin huffed and threw a pillow from the couch him and yoongi had been sitting on in taehyung's room.

"i'm not a selfish rat! well..."


and that was the end of that conversation. the three men in a car, yoongi driving, jimin in the passenger seat, and taehyung in the backseat like a child.

taehyung continued to scroll through jungkook's social media and giggling to himself.

"what's up with all the giggling back there.." yoongi pauses at the red light, both males up in the front seat look back at him. "you're in love, aren't you?"


"liar!!" jimin looked at him, adjusting himself to better face the rosy cheeked boy. "you're a dirty liar!"

"i-im not lying!"

"yes you are! it's super clear you're madly in love with tris man, and you will get married and- and have kids! and i, me, park jimin, better be fucking invited to all events!!"

"you're thinking way ahead about where my relationship is going with mr. señorita, but what about you and your 'friend' here" taehyung gestured to the male who was driving the two before sinking back down in the seat.

"woah woah-"

"hey! don't redirect here! don't worry about my pussy boyfriend- we are talking about you and jungkook getting married and having children. period. end of story. that's it." jimin concluded and sat back down, glaring at yoongi for a second.

"jimin- this is literally the second time i'm having breakfast or lunch with jungkook. all platonic." taehyung almost sounded in pain. he was okay with how it was. just friends, though he liked the thought of being able to go on real romantic dates and holding hands.

"sigh.. guess i'll have to wait" jimin shook his head before he smiled, "look! he's right there!" jimin pointed at jungkook who had just been walking into the restaurant yoongi parked at. "he's kinda hot- ow!" jimin rubbed his arm after yoongi lightly used the back of his hand to hit jimin's forearm.

"yeah better watch it. you have a boyfriend" taehyung laughed and got out, calling jungkook over soon after and caught his attention.

his hair was so fluffy, he just wanted to play with it.

"oh, hey taehyung!"

his heart skipped a beat and he smiled softly.


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