part 2

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It felt like a lifetime to the young Dec,but in reality only about ten minutes had passed before he saw a dark figure in a rain coat running towards him.

Fonsey quickly bent down and pulled his quivering son to his feet,opened his raincoat and wrapped it around Decs entire,tiny body.

"Decky,my boy,it's ok,you're safe now,I'm taking you home" Fonsey lovingly stated.

"Dad,I'm scared" Dec whimpered into his dads chest

"I know,but you're with me now,no harm is ever going to come to you as long as you're with me" Fonsey said "you believe me don't you?"

"Yes Dad" Dec whispered while clinging onto him tightly.

"Now then" Fonsey smiled "me and you are going to run home through this storm,you are going to stay wrapped up inside my coat and my arms will hold you tight all the way home.Your Mam is already waiting with dry towels and hot chocolate,so we best not keep her any longer"

He kissed Decs head "ready?"

Dec nodded sheepishly

"Let's go!" Fonsey smiled as they both set off into the frightening storm.

Dec ran as fast as his little legs would carry him,clinging onto his Dad as much as he could manage in the situation.Fonsey had to run pretty slowly,almost just fast walking so Dec could keep up with him.The rain pounded harshly on both of their heads.

"Nearly home boy" Fonsey shouted through the rain and rumbling thunder before deciding to scoop Dec into his arms thinking it may just be quicker to carry him.They were almost home anyway and a small child like Dec was as light as a feather for a strong man like Fonsey!

They soon arrived home and Fonsey threw the door open where Anne was waiting.Dec entangled himself from Fonseys arms and raincoat and fell into her arms,clinging onto her tightly and soaking her to the skin.Even with Fonseys protection,he couldn't stay dry from the heavy rain.

"Shhh baby, it's ok,you're home safe and sound now" she comforted as Dec snuggled into her motherly arms while letting the tears fall.

"Mam,you're all wet,I'm sorry" Dec whispered,

Anne laughed "Don't you worry about that sweetheart,it doesn't matter,I'm just glad you're home,now let's get you out of these wet clothes shall we?"

She had already brought his clean clothes downstairs and helped Dec get undressed and dried off.He knew he might be getting a little bit old for his Mam to be pampering him like this but he didn't care,he just loved being taken care of and looked after,that was something he would feel his whole life and there were always plenty of people willing to step up and do the job!

Anne wrapped him up in a huge bath towel that swamped his small frame.

"I don't want to get dressed Mam,can i stay in the towel?it's so soft and cosy" Dec pleaded sweetly.

"Of course you can,as long as you're warm enough?' Anne smiled

"I am" Dec replied and sat down on the sofa next to Martin as Anne handed him a mug of hot chocolate.

"Thanks for getting Dad Mart" Dec whispered and snuggled into his favourite brother.

Martin placed an arm around him "no worries titch,I wasn't going to leave you there was I?silly little squirt"

Since that day under the railway bridge,Decs family and friends had always been absolutely wonderful whenever there was a bad storm.Comforting him if they could,or phoning him to distract him from his inevitable feelings of terror.

Decs grief Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon