Eargasm (Disqualified)

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Song: Buwan by Juan Karlos Labajo

Team: Sweetest S.I.N.

The soft strums of Alec's acoustic guitar hit the ears of everyone listening around him. As soon as he starts singing the lyrics to Billie Eilish's song with his deep, raspy voice, the whole room becomes a mesh of melted hearts and intoxicated gazes.

He closes his eyes from time to time, feeling the rhythm of the song coursing through his veins, losing himself in his own personal world where only his music exists.

Amongst the crowd, though, Alec knows that another person is getting lost in his music and he doesn't know how to feel about it yet.

"He's at table three," Max tells him after the third set as he walks to the backroom.

Alec turns to look at table three where, just like what Max said, the same petite man in a business suit looking very much misplaced here is seated again. This is the seventh time Alec has seen him in this place during his performance nights.

"If you'd still tell me he's not here because of you, I'm not about to take another BS," Max adds with a playful grin, disappearing into his manager's office.

Shaking his head, Alec turns to look at the same table again and feels himself getting a bit conscious when he notices that the man is already staring at him while drinking a glass of what seems to be a non-alcoholic drink. He waves a hand towards the guy who almost chokes at his drink and looks away. Alec chuckles to himself, deciding it might be the perfect time to talk to the guy.

"Hey," he starts off as he takes the empty seat across from him. Being this close, though, Alec realizes with a fluttering heart that the guy looks almost too pretty to be alone so he asks the first thing that comes to mind. "Is this seat taken?"

The guy's cheeks turn a deep shade of red, shaking his head. Alec notices the slender fingers wrapped around the glass.

"You'll get cold if you keep doing that," Alec tells him playfully.

The smaller blinks up at him before carefully unwrapping his fingers from the glass, choosing to put his hands in the pockets of his suit jacket instead.

"Are you even allowed to drink or go to a place like this? If you're not wearing those fancy clothes, I'd say you're still illegal."

The guy pouts a little, looking at the table. "I'll have you know that I'm not as innocent as I look," he mumbles with a soft voice.

Alec chortles. "Okay?"

He gets a nod in return.

"So... does the 'not-so-innocent' little kid have a name?"

"I'm not a kid," he informs Alec matter-of-factly, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm twenty-three."

Alec nods a little with a fond smile. "Hi, Twenty-three."

If possible, the guy's cheeks turn even redder, visibly reflecting despite the poor lighting provided by the small white led lights on the wall from his left. "That's not... I mean... Wait, no. I'm not giving you my name."

Shrugging, Alec leans back in his seat, grinning to himself. "Okay, then. I'm going to have to call you Twenty-three."

The guy sighs with another pout. "I'm... Teddy."

He doesn't mean to offend him but it seems that it's too late to think about it when Alec erupts in a fit of laughter. "That sounds like a name of a kid."

Round 3: Sweetes S.I.N. vs SynecdocheWhere stories live. Discover now