Part Fourteen

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Darkness came upon my mind. Relentless silence and quiet thoughts. I felt every part of my body get in contact with my bed and it's covers. The mixture of my warmth and the cold of the night made me stumble into a peaceful and quiet, dreamless night that I much needed.
Soon enough I was woken up by tempting smells of bacon. Without opening my eyes I take off the covers of the bed and placed my feet on the floor. I stretch and get up. I walk to the bathroom and turn on the lights not even bothering to open my eyes. I open the water and put both of my hands together to hold water that soon after would be pressed against my face. The coldness from it makes me jump a little and after that I open my eyes to get a bit blinded by the light. I brush my teeth and wash my face. After drying my face and hands I walk out my room to a welcoming smell of bacon again. I slowly step into the kitchen and I see her, Beth, busy on the stove. I sit silently looking at her movements. The way her eyes roamed over the different things she was doing, the way her hair was in a ponytail and the fact that she was rested made me stare at her in awe for what fell like minutes. "Hope you like omelets and bacon" She says, Beth says snapping me out of my gazing at her. I come back to reality smelling cheese and onions and tomatoes and bacon and mushrooms aside from the bacon, my nose trills are filled with wonders of her works. "It smells wonderful." I say in a raspy voice. "Tea right?" I nod.
"Want me to help?" I ask stepping down the stool. "Mmm, sure, can you take over the bacon?" I nodded "Yes ma'am." I say stepping closer. "You should put on an apron." Beth said handling me the apron on the side of the fridge. "I should, thanks." I said smiling and soon after putting it on.
"Do you like them crispy or half crispy and half chewy?" I asked her while she placed cheese and folded the first omelet. "You can do them they way you want, honestly, but if it where for me crisp to the point of almost burned." She said smiling and placing a strand of hair that flight out it of her ponytail behind her ear. After a couple of minutes both plates of food where done and placed on the table. We finish to prepare the drinks as we let the dishes pile up. As soon as we sat down and started to eat all my senses got woken up. The colors where wonderful the sound of the spoon mixing the sugar on the coffee, the smell of all the ingredients and flavors where exploding inside my mouth one by one and the velvety texture of the warm tea down my throat made me enjoy breakfast like I haven't before. "You're really good." I say with my mouth full. She laugh a bit nods "Thank you."
"Why are you laughing?" I ask finishing that bite. "You have food on your chin." I try to lick it off but I failed. She soon takes a napkin and takes it off. "There." "Thank you." "No problem sir." She says is a posh accent.
"By the way, Good Morning. How did you slept?" I ask. "Fantastic actually, it's like my body didn't even felt the change of environment. Also I had a dreamless night that felt wonderful." She finished taking another bite of her extra crispy bacon. "These are fantastic!" She says finishing the whole piece. "I'm glad to hear that." Beth nods in agreement while I just continue eating.
After finishing breakfast and the piled up dishes I went to Beth's door and even though it was open I knocked. "Come in!" She shouts from her closet. I step in and lead on the entrance of the closet "So, since we are so different and yet alike when it comes to silence and we have to work together painting the room; how about we share some music tastes while we paint?" I asked looking at her eyes once she looked at me. "Um I think that's a good idea." She says taking her huge now weightless suitcase trying to place it on the top shell, failing at it because how short she actually is. I help her half way placing the suitcase where she wanted. Without noticing how close I was getting to her. She struggles a bit and looked up at me as I finish placing it. I look at her face staring at mine, once I realize how close I was with her, me being shirtless and her being so close I stepped back in a fraction of a second. "Sorry." I mumble. "No, thank you." She says. I step back and walked out of the room saying "To be honest, I don't remember what you wanted to do on the room, I just like the colors." I take the painting equipments and walk back inside her room placing them on the end of the bed. She's placing some shoes on the shelves of her closet when I look at her.
"Can you help me move the furniture to the center of the room? You know it will make painting a bit easy." She says redoing her ponytail. "Grand idea." I say smiling at her. And one by one all the furniture ended up in the middle of the room, even some are on her bed. "Let me get the plastic covers that I've used before." I say breathing in and out. "Of course, I'll be looking on iTunes one playlist of mine." Beth said.
I get the plastic cover and practically jog back to her room. "That sounds fantastic, but tell me one thing, why this specific playlist?" I ask placing the plastic covers under the wall on the floor for it not to get stained. She smiled and started saying "Well for every good reason and for no reason at all. This playlist goes from the most sad and depressed song I could listen to, towards the most childish and happy song I could ever admit I own, and of course all that's in between; but all so these are songs that make my days get better or sadder and even not make them anything. Am I confusing you?" She asks. I stare at her and I couldn't stop the small smile that formed in my lips. "Absolutely not. Now, tell me 'Beth'... " I say making enfasys on her name. "What do you want to paint on your room?" I ask her using a very professional tone with her. I stare at her as she stopped staring at her iPod and looks at my direction. Her eyes had a sparkle I haven seen in many people, actually a sparkle I've only seen on my best mate, Lou. Beth eyes where filled with excitement and joy, things I don't see in many adults specially not in the world I live in. "My room?" She asks me, I just nod. "Woah, I haven't had 'my' room in so many years!" She says in a breath and out way. "How so?" I say questionably. "Siblings and cousins at first and then roommates."
"Well, I'm glad that you like the sound of that, now... Can you 'please' tell me what's your vision? Because I wouldn't mind painting this room my own way."
"No!" She kindly shouts, making me smile. "This is what I want." She started getting up from the small corner of the bed and walking towards a wall. She extended her arms and told me her ideas and how she imagines it. Wall after wall I see her developing a great explanation based on her ideas and how she'd want it and how we would do it, "Because I'm not that tall." earning a smile from me she continue moving really fast and all I seem to notice it's her ponytail move up and down and sideways. "Are you even listening, Styles?" I got snapped out of my thoughts by her throwing a brush at me. I smiles and let a cough followed by a soft laugh. "Yes!" I say. She looks at me and place a hand on her hip. "Are you, really?"
"Yes. You told me this wall will be completely green and you considered you'll be adding thin pale cream horizontal lines, on that one you want it all pale cream and details of brush strokes of green like a print of some sort all over the wall and the las one so far you said that you wanted that to be my idea, cause after all... and then you cut off hitting me with a brush!" I say.
"Aren't you a bit smart-assey?" Beth said folding her arms. "No, I'm a great listener and observer." I say folding my arms. "Are you Styles, are you?" She says turning back the fourth wall. My mind goes back to analyzing her. And thinking, 'Yes Beth, my memory is wide and captures many details and I'm pretty sure, you'll be hard to forget.' And before she realizes I got zoned out on a thought I'll never tell her I smile and nod at the idea of placing frames that aren't for photos but for bookshelves.

Hello reader,
This is me, trying to be polite and thank you for reading my story until this point. I promise there be more of it through out this new year 2015.
I want to take a moment and use my words for a better cause and say that "We are entering a new phase in world history as humans and as society, and even though I don't believe in society itself; I believe in the people who are willing to change the world. So I here by call every single one of you to fight for equality. Equality of gender, race, culture, education, opinion and most important love. No woman is less than a man and no man is less than a woman. There are no colors, there's the same organs, cell structure and blood in every human being that surrounds you. No religion, culture, beliefs are wrong or right. Let our values guide us to the better of everyone regardless of where they came from or how the believe in something or someone. We need everyone and I mean EVERYONE to learn, education comes natural to humans, curiosity should be feed. Education is a hunger that need knowledge and practice to calm down. And with education a knowledge comes opinions and thoughts ideas that put together can make something great. But we need to put a stop to thinking that some opinions worth more because they have power. My opinion is as important as yours, as anyone's, we need each other to learn and change and develop opinions about everything and anything. And last but definitely not least. Love.

Love is something that pass onto us after generations. Love is not a kiss, love is not a hug, love is an emotion a feeling that everyone deserves and need to carry on with their lives. Love have no form, no figure, no gender, no color, no age; and absolutely no judgement. So let us be the carriers of it through out this so called society. I know we can be the change, I know we already started.

So now it's time to realize that we have been wrong and that we are late to change. So get your thoughts and opinions organize them, exchange them, change your opinion again and again, learn from others and teach others and spread the love you have for that person standing next to you. Because you are alive, because you are the key for this equality. Remember equality is like love no form, no figure, no gender, no color, no age and absolutely no judgement. So let us be the carriers of it. "

Love always,
Clara Cecilia Cordero

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