Part Nineteen.

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"It's so beautiful." Beth voice broke the silence in my bedroom, making me jump and look back at her. "It is." I say. "I've always been too busy to stop stare at it fall, but I've always consider it so beautiful." She says not breaking the stare at the window. After a moment I walk away from the window and go to the living room, opening the curtains for it to be seen better. I placed the sofa chairs side by side and called Beth who was still at my room. When she walked out she stared in aw. "Take a sit and enjoy the view." As she did placing the bag from the pharmacy and the glass with water on the small table in the room. "How can you get views like this and not fall in love?" Beth said. I let her stare away as I walk to the kitchen and come back this time with two cups of hot chocolate. Once I grab her attention, she smiles and receives the cup meant for her. "You think of everything, don't you Styles." She says blowing the steam and taking a zip from it. "This is really good, thank you."
"You're welcomed." I say taking a zip of my own and sitting down next to her.

A cup of hot chocolate after and the snow setting down I decide to tell Beth about my plans. "Hey, Beth?" I say asking her attention. "Yes?" She says looking at me. "I have to talk with you about this seasons plans." I say and she nods is agreement. "Since yesterday I've had an idea and I really want to make it happen. It's going to be Christmas soon enough and it's time to spend with family and I was thinking that we can spend time with your family on Christmas and for New Years we can spend time with mine." I take a moment and continue. "I know this is not your first Christmas away, and I don't want to be the one to blame for it. Also, your family is your family and I'd love to meet them, and of course my mum wants to meet everyone I spend more than one night with on a bar. Specially if it's a girl." I say smiling at the end. I look at Beth who smiles as well.
"If love to but I'd have to call my mum and tell her and I highly doubt we can stay at her place, with the rest of the family joining them." She says worried a bit. "There's nothing to worry about, we can go to the nearest B&B, after all we'll probably going to spend all day with you family. I think I could use some family time, even if it's not mine. The life of a celebrity sucks." She smiles and agrees. "I'm calling my mum." "You do that." As she gets up an walk away I pick the cups and wash them and let them dry. I walk to the small table and take the pills and drink the glass with water. Placing it back to the sink. And the pills on the counter.
I walk back to my room taking my phone, texting my mum the plans we had for the holidays. Setting it down on my night stand I walk to Beth's room knocking on the open door to make myself noticed. "Yes, mum, I'll stay on the nearest B&B with my boyfriend." Beth says making me smile at her word play. "I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. Okay mum!... I love you too, night." She says finishing the phone call. "We can say she's more excited to meet my boyfriend that to actually spent a holiday with me, also we're going to church, mums orders." I smile and nod at her. "No problem, now help me get your mattress to my room, there's no way you'll sleep with all this fumes." I say to her. "Are you sure? You know I could be a psychotic fan of yours." She says making me smile. "I know you aren't, come on." I say as the two of us move closer and start moving her mattress to my room. Once it's settled I walk back outside my room and get a fluffy sheet for her and for me, as well as her pillows. "Here." I say passing her one of her pillows. She grabs it mid air and I scream "OUT!" Making her jump and laugh at my reference. "You'll take the bed and I'll take the mattress." "But..." "But nothing. Now pass me my pillows, those are mine, also this red fluffy thing it to keep you warm at night." I say passing her it.

Once settled in the new arrangements I stare at the ceiling and start to remember all those times when I was little that I wished for my life to be big. "Thank you for everything Harry, sweet dreams." Beth says.
"Good night." I simply answer.
'Thank you for making me change.' I think but never say just before darkness swooped me off to a common nightmare.

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