Bubblegum bitch

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"The following video contains disturbing behavior, viewer discretion is advised" the man on the television says with a expression that half shows his own horror at the video as the screen is shifted into a video of Sakyu sitting in an interview room.

Her face was blurred out and she was covered in bandages.

"Worthless... it's worthless" she whispers to herself, refusing to move her gaze from her own hands which are bound together by handcuffs.

"I did it I killed them! I killed them!" She shrieks, slamming her fists against the metal table creating an echoing bang.

"Well... that's dramatic" I comment briefly as I turn the volume on the abandoned bank's tv down.

I managed to get the crappy Television to work by stealing the line from the next door club.

"She... she was never like that" Budo says quietly, turning his attention from the Tv to me and I shrug.

"Anyone can be a killer with the right motivation... I could make you a killer in an instant with a simple deception" I say and I realize my choice of words make me sound inherently guilty.

"But not like that- she sounds deranged. Insane." Budo corrects me and I sigh, dropping the remote control onto the table, sitting down opposite to Budo at my makeshift dining space.

"You never knew her. The real her. Just like most people don't know the real me. This is the real me. I don't take pleasure in taking a life however I don't hesitate to if it is necessary." I say, lying. There are certain times where... killing is enjoyable.

"I knew her pretty damn well, Asha." Budo snaps at me and I frown, confused.

"Oh... I'm sorry. I didn't know you were... close with her" I say as an unnatural hollow feeling spikes at my stomach.

"How did you know her?" I ask suspiciously.

"Don't talk about her in the past tense. She isn't dead" Budo says with a defensive tone, making the hollow feeling inside disappear as it is replaced with a darker emotion.

"She might as well be... you saw the video as well as I. She lost it" I say gesturing to the tv and he scoffs, turning away from me with a somewhat disgusted expression.

"You have no room to talk, Asha. All day, I've seen you cut people up like they were nothing to you, you throw their remains around carelessly and I can't get the smell of burning flesh out of my mind all because of your 'psychotic-ness'" He says and I glare at him, leaning forwards to lean my elbows against the table.

"I'm not like her. She's broken. Tormented. Weak. I choose to be like this. I am in control. She is just some whacked up bully who couldn't handle a taste of her own medicine after all these fucking years" I snap back at him thoughtlessly.

"A taste of her own medicine? You did this, didn't you?!" He accuses me, raising his voice and I clench my jaw as I realize my careless choice of words.

"Did- What are talking about?" I say faking confusion as I lean back into my chair, loosing my confidence.

"'I could break your mind and make you do anything'. Ringing any bells?" Budo says and I bite down on my lower lip.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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