The fun part

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It's the end of the school day and clean up time just started.

Maybe I should hang out with the bullies and see what's going on in the gossip world... or maybe I'll try to talk with the delinquents and find out what's going on there... or maybe Ayano. Taro and Osana might be a good idea too...

I'll just hang out with Saki and... hahahaha... I was about to think Kakona. But I'm guessing that won't be the case. I smile and walk over to Saki who is moping around while cleaning the white board.

"Hey Saki! What's up?" I ask with a cheery tone and she looks up at me. Her cheeks and nose were flushed red and her eyes were watering slightly.

"Oh hey Asha... have you seen kakona?" She asks and I shake my head. Tears that she had been holding back roll down her cheeks.

"Oh what's wrong Saki?" I ask and she wipes her face. "Yesterday she- she came to me and said something about her father and- I think he is hurting her... and now I can't find her... I haven't seen her all day since she got that phone call." she says and I frown, faking a puzzled expression.

"Wow that sounds serious... maybe we should talk to the guidance councillor or the student council" I say not wanting to mention the best way to respond to something like this. The police.

But if the police are involved too soon they might find out she's dead or they might find some evidence against Ayano.

"Yeah. Maybe. She's not answering her phone either" she says and I sigh, placing my hands on her shoulders.

"Don't worry too much Saki I'm sure she's fine" I say trying to comfort her. Then I remember something that could distract her from this little issue.

"Oh yeah! I found your...bra" I whisper and her eyes light up and I pull the aqua coloured double D cup bra of my bag and give it to her and she quickly stuffs it in her bag.

"Oh thank you! thank you! thank you! You are literally a life saver! I owe you big time" Saki says hugging me and I hug her back.

"Hey, that's what friends are for" I say smiling like I didn't just help someone kill her best friend since childhood.

I look across the room to see Amai, the leader of the cooking club, talking to Taro and offering him food.

"You know- I wouldn't mind making you food everyday" she says blushing and I sigh annoyed, really? How many people like this guy. I've got to put a stop to this at least for now.

I quickly walk up to Taro before he can respond to Amai's question. "Hey Taro!" I say smiling and he smiles back.

"Hey Asha, i-is everything alright?" He asks and I nod, grabbing his arm to try to keep his attention off Amai.

"Oh? Yeah. I was just wondering if maybe... you wanted to hang out after clean up. I heard The drama club is putting on a performance so... do you maybe want to go see it?" I ask quickly thinking of a way to stop him from going to the cooking club with Amai.

"Yeah! That sounds great. Do you want to come Amai?" He asks and I fake smile at Amai and she shyly looks down obviously taken back by the statement.

"I- I would love to! But the cooking club has a meeting after clean up- Sorry" she says disappointed and then I realise if Ayano sees me with Taro she might think I'm trying to get with him. I've got to do something.

"Uh Yeah, one of my friends are coming too, Ayano. She's a bit shy so don't be offended if she doesn't talk to you a lot" I say knowing how this particular yandere gets around her Senpai.

This is one way to show her I'm on her side, bring her with me.

"Cool, I'll see you then" Taro says and I nod running off to tell Ayano. I check the rest of the first floor but can't find her so I go up to the second one. I hope I don't have to call in another favour from info, I don't want to be too much of a nuisance.

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