"Yeah but— I.. could've tried harder! I could've stopped him faster!"


"No dad. It's my fault this even happened.." He whispers, breaking away from the embrace and getting up on his feet. "I.. I shouldn't have punched him.. if I hadn't then this wouldn't have happened!"

Tony grabs his wrist before he can run off into his room and pulls him back down onto the couch. "Bucky, listen to me. None of this, and I mean NONE of this was your fault. You hear me? You said no countless of times, you tried to stop him, but he didn't listen. He did something disgusting to you and now he's serving his time in juvenile prison. He can't get to you."

Bucky's lip wobbles and the tears start spilling over his cheeks once again. He whimpers and falls into his father's chest, clutching at his shirt. Tony bites his lip, holding on tight to his son, hushing his gasps and sobs, rubbing small circles into his back. "It's okay it's okay, I'm here... I've got you.."


Hey doll, I just wanted to check in with you and see how you were xx ~ Steve

Bucky smiles gently at the message that buzzed him awake from his nap and grabs his phone from off of his bedside table, typing a quick response.

Hey! I haven't talked to you in ages haha.. yeah, I'm alright. Thanks. How are you holding up? How's your family? ~ Bucky

Was that too forward? Nah..

Yeah I'm alright. Tired. Barely got any sleep last night. My fam? Oh, their good. Mums gotten a new job and she's soooo much happier. Dads pretty good, happy for mum. And my siblings are just the same. Annoying haha ~ Steve

HAHA, literally me. Peter is an amazing brother, don't get me wrong, but he can be quite annoying at times and he's actually so fucking smart, like.. I think he's smarter than me. ~ Bucky

HAHAHA. How old is he exactly? ~ Steve

Bucky sighs.

...10 ~ Bucky

Oh wow. Why'd you think he's smarter than you? ~ Steve

I dunno. He comes home and talks about what he learnt in science and how cool it is and then there's me who comes home and goes straight to bed. Like, it makes me feel kinda dumb. ~ Bucky

That doesn't mean you're dumb. It just means you've been going through a lot and that you're just really tired. ~ Steve

Bucky smiles at the message and goes to respond when his door is slammed open and a shocked looking Peter runs into the room, throwing himself on top of his brother.

Bucky gasps and drops his phone to the floor. "Peter!" He cries. "What are you doing! You're too heavy!"

"I'm having a crisis!" Peter screams, sitting up and crossing his legs. "Please help me."

"What's wrong?"

Peter sucks in an over dramatic breath. "Dad and his boyfriend kept making out and making gross comments while I was in the car!"

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