🤨Chapter 45🤨

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                  ~Melo's POV~

Mel: "ughhhh you've gotta be fucking kidding me!" She yelled as she stomped out of the bathroom holding a cup

"Dude what are you doin?" I asked as I played fortnite

Mel: "is that mic on?"

I nodded

Mel: "you might wanna turn it off"

The look she was giving me looked real serious so I turned the mic off but then I got paranoid that they might still here so I unplugged the entire game system and turned the tv off

Mel: "soooo I spoke to Kaliah about the uh sitau-"

"The pregnancy?"

Mel: "Yes melo, what other situation are we in?"

I shrugged my shoulders

Mel: "anyway she taught me this thing with bleach..."

I already didn't like where this was goin

"What'd ya do with the bleach?"

Mel: "I mixed it with pee"

"Yup I shouldn't have asked" I said as I made a disgusted face

Mel: "anyway..it did what it wasn't supposed to do and now i don't know what to do"

I was mad confused

"I'm confused"

Mel: "Kaliah said if I mixed it and it foamed then I was pregnant...look at it" she said as she showed me a glass that looked like lemonade mixed with soda

"So you ARE pregnant?"

Mel: "according to this I am" she said as he voice cracked

"Come here" I said as I patted my lap

Mel: "lavars gonna kill us" she said as she sat on my lap and buried her head into my chest

"We're gonna be fine" I said as I kissed her forehead

Mel: "what's gonna happen to your career?"

"Nothing. A kid just gives me more motivation"

Mel just looked at me with a blank expression

Mel: "so you're not worried about lavar's comments? He's gonna be so disappointed"

I shrugged my shoulders

I've always listened to my dad and respected his opinion but when it comes to mel the only person who's opinion matters is mine.

Can't nobody tell me shit about my girl.

"So what if he doesn't like it. He can't dictate my entire life"

Mel: "you won't have a life once he finds out"

I rolled my eyes

"Melina you're thinking way to hard about this"

Mel: "no LAMELO you're not thinking hard enough about it. Do you know how much you'll have to give up for a kid?"

I just looked at her with a blank stare

Mel: "I don't even know why I take you seriously" she said as she shook her head

"Cause ya love me" I said with a cheese grin"

Mel huffed and walked away

I'll tell her I did this on purpose when she cools down cause if I tell her now she'll probably kill me

Forgive my typos

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