👀Chapter 30👀

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~Melina's POV~

I was currently sitting at lunch with amber, ivy, Lucas, and gabe. I had just finished telling them about my plans to go with melo to Austria and for some reason ivy was NOT on board

Ivy: "I can't believe you're deadass leaving" she said with attitude as we sat at the lunch table

Gabe: "you just mad that no nigga loved you that much to invite you anywhere but they house so they can fuck and duck yo ass...shut ya hating ass up" he said annoyed

Me,Lucas, and amber all shot each other a look

Ivy: "don't fucking start Gabriel and goin to somebody house versus going to another COUNTRY are two different things" she huffed

"I'll be fine ivy"

Ivy: "dropping out of school to travel with a boy isn't anywhere near FINE"

Amber: "she's not dropping out she getting homeschooled"

Ivy: "I'm sorry but that's ridiculous Mel and I just don't want you goin down the wrong path. His path might be right but for HIM"

Gabe: "don't listen to ivy; as long as YOU wanna go to be supportive and not because he's forcing you then I say go have fun"

Amber: "yeah this is your chance to see new places and new things"

Lucas: "I agree cause this could be a once in a lifetime chance"

I only told them so they wouldn't be confused or concerned if I suddenly left, PLUS I wanted to get their option if I should even be goin or not Even if they said no I still was goin.

I'd already asked my mom and she basically told me that if Lavar thought it was a good idea the shed sign off on it which she did end up doin because he told her that melo was gonna need some support since he couldn't go with him AND that Austria has some good programs that would also benefit me.

Ivy got irritated and left the table. She claimed she had to use the bathroom but we all know that If she did then she would've asked me and amber to walk her.

Gabe: "y'all didn't hear this from me but ivy said ever since you and melo became a thing you've left her out and now you're moving away WITH him so that's why she feels some type of way"

Amber: "she should've told her that then. A close mouth don't get fed" she said as she shook her head

Lucas: "yeah and she likes melo"

I raised my eyebrow in confusion

I knew she liked him years ago but this information was new

"I stepped away from jalen so she could have him so why would she-"

Gabe slapped his hand over my mouth and looked over at the cafeteria entrance

I looked over and seen ivy walking back over to us

"You still like melo?" I asked as she sat down

Everybody facepalmed themselves and shook their heads

Ivy: "kinda but not as much as I used to plus you're with him so I'd never shoot my shot" she said plainly

"But I thought you liked jalen?"

Ivy: "he's too childish for me"

"Dip still eats dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and also plays with them before he eats them" I said with a blank face

Ivy: "I guess the crush on melo only came back when he started actually speaking to me; Him ignoring the fact that I existed was what turned me off and made the crush go away"

Gabe looked at her and shook his head

Gabe: "Jalen ignores you until he wants something and go ass still goes to him so that can't be it"

Ivy: "jalen's dick game is A1 which is why I come when he calls. I've never fucked melo so I couldn't tell you what's goin on over there plus his personality is a lil too cocky now"

"His personality is way calmer now then it used to be"

Ivy: "I guess. I've never talked to him beforehand"

I was about to respond but my phone had rung.

I looked down and seen it was melo asking me to go with him after school and get what he called "teeth bling"

I had no clue what that meant but I agreed

I shook my head as the bell ring and gathered my things

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