Chapter Fifteen

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One more day.

Only one more day of school until the winter holiday.

She could do this. Only a few hours of school and then she was free. Tonight was their performance at the commons. Tommy wasn't angry with her over anything. John knew her big secret and had promised not to grass. Her birthday was just on the horizon. And everything was coming up heads.

But today was gonna be a good day — she could tell.

Yesterday had been an interesting day — to be sure. Ending with Ada's announcement of her move to London, and beginning with Tommy's announcement to expand the Peaky's enterprise, the day had been filled to the brim with information.

She'd woken up early and as she made her way down the stairs Charlotte was surprised to find Arthur in the shop so early in the morning, "Oi, what're you doing here?"

"Charlie, my girl! It's a good morning, ain't it?"

Pausing on the stairs, she raised an eyebrow at him suspiciously, "What's got you in such a happy mood?"

"It's a good day to be a bookmaker, Charlie."

"Is it now?"

"Fuckin' right, it is."

Clapping his hands together, Arthur jumped up from his chair — leaping towards her — to grab her hands in his.

"Arthur, what are you–"

Her question was cut off as Arthur — still holding onto her left hand — pushed her out towards the staircase, then twirled her back into him to spin under his raised arm. Charlotte couldn't help but laugh at Arthur's behaviour, "You're mad, you know that?"

"I've been told!"

Nearly falling into his arms had the sudden change of dancing, Charlotte gasped as Arthur took hold of her waist, heaved her into the air, and over his shoulder. Before she could catch her breath to question his actions, he began to spin.

Closing her eyes and the flurry of movement, Charlotte squealed at her brother, "Arthur!!!"

"Hold on tight, Charlie girl! We're goin' places!"

"Put the girl down before you break something, Arthur."

Doing as he'd been told, Arthur dumped her back onto her own two feet. Wobbling slightly, Charlotte shook her head in effort to stop the room from spinning before her eyes.

Falling into the closest chair, Charlotte began to ask Arthur what his excitement was over, but before she could get the words out, the look on Tommy's face had her pausing.

"What's this then? A smile? On Tommy Shelby's face?" Turning to face Arthur, she questioned further, "Did he get knocked upside the head? Has he gone dumb?" Gasping aloud she teased, walking up to Tommy and touching his face as if to make sure he was real flesh and blood, "Is this some sort of doppelgänger? But the nice one instead."

Smacking her hands away from his face, Tommy pushed her towards the kitchen, "Don't be late for school."

Grinning after him she informed, "I've loads of time." Pouring herself a cup of barely warm tea, Charlotte questioned the brothers before her, "So? Are you gonna tell me or not?"

Both stained at her blankly, as if they had no idea what she was talking about.

Rolling her eyes she scoffed at them both, "Gits — the both of you." Draining the rest of her cup she continued, "The dancing, the spinning, the uncharacteristic smiles... What's it all for?"

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