Chapter Four

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"Here you go, my girl. I believe you will find all your property is unharmed and in pristine condition." Laughing, Charlotte took her books from her Aunt.

Looking around the room Charlotte was thankful for all the help her aunt had provided in getting the place cleaned and organised. During the past week things in the Shelby house seemed to calm and go back to normal.

As Tommy continued to scheme, Arthur was still going on visits with their father, John only left his wife and bedroom when absolutely necessary, Ada still reused to see any members of their family, and Charlotte laid low letting her shoulder and leg heal.

Polly has been essential in helping make the room finally feel like it was hers. With both Polly and Esme's help Charlotte had not only managed to stay out of trouble, but to keep both her room and wound clean. Polly told her multiple times a day that it was a miracle she'd been able to keep herself outta trouble.

"Thanks Aunt Pol." Looking around the room Charlotte looked for a home for the formerly confiscated items on the shelves that all seemed to be overflowing.

"Don't even think about trying to get those on top of that wardrobe. I'll tan your hide if you try doing anything that stupid again." Lecturing her Polly gathered up dirty laundry off of the floor, throwing them in her basket near the door.

"Oh come on, Pol. I was a prefect angel this week - even Tommy said so."

"Yes, and I'm certain we have your injuries to thank for keeping you inside and not wandering around this city at all hours of the night."

"That's not the point." Grabbing a stool from the corner Charlotte stepped up and started moving her newly returned items onto the bookcase's upper shelves.

"Girl, get off of that thing this instant. You're going to hurt yourself."

"Aunt Pol. It's only two steps. I'm not even two feet off of the ground. And besides, It's been a week since I got hurt, and me leg feels fine — see, no wobbling. I'm perfectly balanced." Balancing on her injured leg Charlotte held her arms out as if on a tightrope. "Esme says she'll take out the stitches in two days, so there."

Sticking her tongue out at her Aunt, Polly marched over to her niece, grabbed her firmly by the arm and ordered, "And until those stitches are out, you'll not be climbing on anything. I don't care if it's two feet or twenty. Get down from there, and let me put those away." Placing the books where Charlotte directed Polly added, "You're going to get yourself killed out of sheer stubbornness one of these days."

"Yeah, yeah... Have you spoken to Tommy about the family meeting tonight? He hasn't told me a thing, and I'm not sure what I'm in for."

"Your brother doesn't like to tell anyone what he's up to these days. He only lets us know after he's already put his foot in it. And then the whole family up to our necks in his disasters."

Confused at the insinuation Charlotte asked, "What do you mean? What's he been up to?"

Shaking her head Polly refused to talk on the subject, "I'm of the opinion that you're too young for all of this. But that damn brother of yours seems to have other opinions on the matter. If you've got questions, that's something you'll need to ask Thomas about. You won't be getting your information from me."

"Ask Thomas about what?" His voice came out of nowhere starting Polly. Slapping Tommy on the chest she scolded, "You make your presence known before scaring the daylights outta us."

Lounging on her bed Charlotte watched the interaction, grinning and trying not to have a laugh at her Aunt's expense.

Trying to hide a grin himself Tommy asked again, "What are you ladies wanting to ask me about?"

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