Chapter Ten

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Following the the barman up the stairs, Charlotte couldn't help but stomp her feet with just a little extra force on each step. "You'll be the death of them, you know that, right?"

Snorting at him, she shook her head, "How's that, Harry?"

"There's nothing worse for any big brother than a pretty sister with a wild spirit. And you my girl — you're making your way through Birmingham breaking hearts and bones."

"I don't know about that..." Bones? Sure. Hearts? No thank you.

"Oh trust me, you're giving those boys hell, whether you mean to or not."

"Well, they deserve it."

"You're not wrong there, Charlie girl." Laughing, he lead her down the hall and towards a room just around the corner. As they entered the cold room, Charlotte couldn't help but wonder about the former occupants. Before the war, Harry rented out the rooms above his pub for a fair price. But since the peaky blinders took over Small Heath, the rooms have remained empty.

"Hey Harry, why don't you rent these out anymore?"

"No reason really. I got used to living here all on me own during the war, and I got use to the quiet and privacy."

"Oh, well, that's nice, I guess."

"It also helps that your brothers pay me to store some stuff here every now and then." Turning away from her he added, "Well, used to pay me. I suppose you should be asking Arthur why there's room aren't rented anymore."

Jesus Christ — her goddamned brother's going around town, growing the empire without concern to who gets steamrolled in the process. Taking over Harry's pub without so much as a 'Would ya mind?'

"Oh geez, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to–"

Cutting her off Harry gave her a small smile, "Don't worry about it, Charlie girl. That's absolutely nothing you need to be bothered with."

Frustrated over the arrogance of the Shelby boys, she couldn't stop herself from continuing to rage, "But that's it isn't it? That's the real reason for it all." Scoffing, she threw her hands in the air like a mad person, "My brothers — the reason half of Birmingham does what they do. Either for fear or love of the peaky fucking blinders."

Looking around the room she then noticed a few crates stacked up, labeled 'toitíní'. They seemed to be haphazardly tossed in the corner next to a sagging iron bed and oversized wardrobe. "You didn't want to sell this place, I know it — hell, all of Birmingham knows it. But you did it anyway because Tommy told you, you was gonna sell it to him. And once he told you, that was that. No questions."

Seeing the frenzy she was getting herself worked into, Harry gave a small chuckle before forcibly taking her by the shoulders and moving her to sit on the sagging bed. "Oh, come on now let's see what I've got here that'll fit you." Moving to the wardrobe he began rummaging around sorting through left behind clothes that had gathered over the years, "It goes without saying that a dress is out of the question?"

Laughing at him she informed, "You know, Harry, I don't care what the other's say — I've always said you're brighter than all those peaky men combined."

Rolling his eyes at her joke he turned and presented her with a suitable article of clothing, "Alright little miss peaky blinder, I think that's just about enough outta you. Now, how about this?" Holding up a pair of coveralls he added, "Might be able to fit the entire Russian circus in there, but they won't fall off."

"They'll do. Thanks Harry." Sighing at him, she took a deep breath and tried to let her frustrations float away.

"Anything for you." Then turning to leaving the room — allowing her some privacy — Harry added, "You can see your way back downstairs, yeah? I think I'll have a lie down before the evening rush starts."

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