Chapter Three

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Walking into Charlotte's room, Tommy was unprepared for the sight in front of him. It looked like a bomb had gone off. Looking around there was furniture, glass, blood, and books strewn about. Taking in the mess, the people, and the cacophony of voices, it was all too much.

"...I swear to God if you come at me..."

"...Just hold still..."

"...I'll sit on you if you don't stop it..."

"...He's bringing the whisky..."

"...Get your fucking hands off of me..."

"...It's got to come out..."

"...Watch the shoulder..."

"...I will cram this rag down your throat..."

"...Calm down..."

"...Strangle you in your sleep..."

"Enough!! Shut up, all of you! Shut up!" The room went quiet as the words left his mouth, all four faces in the room noticing him standing there for the first time. Each family member froze in place like a photograph.

Polly was standing near the window, fingers pinching the bridge of her nose, clearly trying to stave off a headache. Charlotte lay on the floor, John straddling her, arms pinned above her head. Esme had a towel in one hand, his sister's leg in the other, kneeling in a small pool of blood.

"Jesus fucking Christ. What is happening here?" As John, Polly, Esme, and Charlotte all started to speak at the same time, he raised his voice again to be heard over their squabbling, "Esme! Only Esme, answer my question." Charlotte took a breath and started to speak.

"Did I say 'Charlotte answer my question'? No. I said 'Esme'. Shut your mouth, Charlie. Esme, please, go on. Nobody will interrupt you." Waving his arm in a theatrical gesture he urged her to speak.

"Right. Well, obviously she fell and managed to knock over a few things–"

Attempting to interrupt Charlotte started, "But it was–"

Glaring down at her, Tommy cut her off, "I clearly remember telling you to shut it not ten seconds ago."

Glaring back at him she kept her mouth closed and allowed Esme to continue. "Now, as you probably heard, Arthur was able to put her shoulder back into place, so that's good and done. But there's this piece of glass here. I've got to remove it, but she won't stop moving so it keeps bleeding and the cut is getting worse. It's not too bad, it'll only need a few stitches. But it will need stitches. There's a cut on the top of her head, but it doesn't look too serious." Taking a breath she looked around the room, "And other than the mess, I think that's it."

Nodding at her assessment Tommy asked, "What do you need from us?" Taking a second Esme thought to herself before speaking, "I need a knife or scissors to cut this fabric away from her leg. I need some cocaine mixed with a bit of water, to create a paste to numb the cut for stitches. I need that whisky your holding. And honestly, this would all be easier if we weren't all on the floor." As an afterthought, she added, "And if Charlotte would sit still."

Nodding at her instructions, Tommy ordered, "John, why are you sitting on her like that? Get offa her, and help her sit up. She's not some pig that needs wrangling."

Scoffing John tried to explain the situation, "She won't sit still and let Esme work. Keeps trying to go after Arthur."

Pointing a finger at her to get the girl's attention, Tommy told her, "Charlie, stop thrashing around like a child. Besides, Arthur's long gone." Leaning down he handed a bottle of whisky to Charlotte, before passing the other to Esme, "Take this and start drinking."

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