Your Soulmate (Jyrus)

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Using new technology installed on school computers, Andi, Buffy, Cyrus and Jonah find out the first name of their soulmate, with some expected and unexpected results.

There was a new buzz around the school, as all of the students would get a clearer idea of who they would end up in a relationship with. Lots of the students didn't trust it, but a new programme had been installed on the computers which would give them results.

The Good Hair Crew were especially excited about the chance of finding out who their soulmate was going to be.

Jonah: So, any ideas about who you are gonna get?

Cyrus: No idea at all, I'm curious to find out though.

Andi: Same here, and hopefully we can start making plans.

Buffy: Let's not be to hasty, it may be better to be slow.

As they sat down in front of the computers, they filled in the questionnaire and within minutes, the results were in.

Jonah: Okay, are we ready for this?

Cyrus: Ready as we'll ever be.

Andi: I've got Walker.

Buffy: I knew it Andi!

Andi: And what about you Buffy?

Buffy: I got M---.

Andi: Marty!

Buffy: Calm down, but yes that's correct.

Now that the girls had their results out of the way, it was left to Cyrus and Jonah. Andi and Buffy were desperate to know who they were going to get.

Andi: Come on now boys, spill.

Buffy: It won't be bad, so don't worry.

Jonah looked at Cyrus and felt himself immediately relax, and for Cyrus, that feeling was mutual. Taking a deep breath, Jonah looked at the name he got.

Jonah: No way...

Cyrus: Who did you get?

Jonah: You, Cyrus.

Cyrus looked shocked at the revelation, but he would be lying if he said he was in any way disappointed about it.

Cyrus: Me? Well I never.

Jonah: What about you? Who did you get.

Cyrus: Well, I guess this isn't a mistake, because my soulmate is you, Jonah.

The girls started smirking, which unnerved the boys. It wasn't that the news was bad, more that it was unexpected.

Andi: OMG this is so awesome!

Buffy: Yeah, it makes complete sense!

Jonah: I don't get it, does that mean we're gay Cyrus?

Cyrus: You can be so oblivious at times Jonah, and that's what I love about you, but yes we're gay for each other.

Jonah took a moment to think, he wanted to know how he couldn't have worked this out before without help.

Jonah: It does make sense, this is why my relationships with Amber, Andi and Libby didn't work out.

Cyrus: And that must be why I've had such a huge crush on you for so long.

Jonah: You have?

Cyrus: Yes, and I felt embarrassed by it.

Jonah: Why would that embarrass you?

Cyrus: Because I never let myself believe you would like me back.

Jonah: Trust me dude, I do like you, I just never realised it.

Cyrus: Do you want to go out with me?

Jonah: Hell yeah! You're an amazing guy and I'll be the luckiest person alive.

Cyrus: I would say that, in reality, I'm the lucky one.

Jonah: Aww!

Cyrus: This is the start of something wonderful.

Andi and Buffy beamed as Cyrus and Jonah stared at one another. Now that this was out of the way, they could start to enjoy time together.

I hope you enjoyed it.

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