In The Background (Jyrus)

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Cyrus and TJ come out about their relationship and think everything will be fine, until Cyrus notices something.

Cyrus POV

I was so excited, TJ and I were finally going to come out as boyfriends. I felt like we were going to be so happy and seeing as I was already out, I knew my friends would support me.

We were at the Spoon, and we had arranged to meet Buffy and Andi. As we walked through the entrance, we spotted the girls at a booth.

Me: Hello.

Andi: Hi.

Buffy: You okay?

Me: We're fine.

TJ: Never better actually.

Andi: What's going on?

Me: You see, TJ and I are going out.

Andi: Okay, that's cool.

Buffy: As long as you're happy.

I kissed TJ and felt really pleased that it had all gone so smoothly. I casually looked around the room, and I noticed that Jonah had entered the door. He looked at me with a pained expression and then cried, before turning and running away.

Me: Did you guys see that?

Andi: Yes, Jonah looked really sad.

Buffy: I bet he's jealous.

TJ: I expect so, he looks the type.

Me: Wait a minute, we don't know that.

I decided to go and look for Jonah on my own, but everyone insisted on following me. This was honestly the strangest situation I've ever been in.

Jonah POV

I was going to go to the Spoon to get out of my house. I had been bored most of the day, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to go there. There was a high chance I would see my friends which was a good thing anyway.

I hoped Cyrus was going to be there too. He's such a great guy and so sweet. I was hoping to ask him out at some point, but I didn't feel courageous enough.

Upon arriving, I saw Cyrus and TJ talking to Andi and Buffy. I thought nothing of it until I heard what he said.

Cyrus: You see, TJ and I are going out.

I felt my heart sink, but what made it worse was when I saw them kiss. That was almost like someone punching me in the face, or tearing my heart out. Before I went, Cyrus looked over and saw me. I left quickly, not wanting to see him.

I found a bench outside the mall, which seemed like the best place to be at the moment. I could sit on my own and think about what might have been.

I had my face in my hands, looking down towards the ground. I wanted the world to leave me alone, but clearly it had other ideas. I was stopped by the sound of a friendly voice, I knew it was Cyrus.

Cyrus: J-Jonah, what's wrong?

Me: Nothing's wrong, I'm just being silly.

Cyrus: Look at me, please.

Me: Ugh...

As I lifted my head, I saw that Cyrus had TJ and the girls with him. Great, he was going to start inadvertently making my life hell.

Cyrus: Jonah are you jealous?

Me: What? No, why would I be jealous Cyrus?

Cyrus: I don't know, but why were you crying?

Me: I'm... Nevermind.

Cyrus: No, come on. I want to know what's happening.

TJ: Muffin, just accept the fact that he's a jealous loser. Stop wasting your time on him.

Andi: Well that's not a fair statement.

TJ: He's jealous because he didn't have the guts to ask you out when he had the chance. It's all his fault and he must live with it.

Buffy: Seriously TJ, what's wrong with you?

TJ: Cyrus cares too much about others. I'm the only one he should care about, not this loser Jonah.

I had kept quiet, feeling absolutely defenceless in this situation. I couldn't help but feel a bit better that Andi and Buffy seemed to be on my side. I wished I knew what Cyrus thought.

Cyrus POV

I didn't know what was going on. TJ was being such a jerk, and I felt myself becoming more angry as the seconds went by.

Me: I care about those who care about me. And in all honesty, I don't think you really care about me TJ.

TJ: That's really what you think?

Me: Yes, regardless of anything else, you take your frustration out on others. You blame the world for your problems, and never take responsibility.

Andi: I couldn't have said that better.

Buffy: I don't know where this confidence came from, but I like it!

Jonah: He's right, I'm a jealous loser, I'm sorry I ruined everyone's day. I'll be going now.

I couldn't take this anymore. I grabbed Jonah's arm and wouldn't let him go anywhere. I didn't want him to feel like he did.

Me: Wait, please stay.

Jonah: What's the point? It's very clear to me that I'm wasting everyone's time.

Me: Jonah that's... that's not true.

Jonah: Yes it is Cyrus, this is your chance to be happy with TJ, make the most of it.

Looking at TJ, I saw a smirk on his face, but to me that confirmed the fact that I needed to move on from him.

Jonah POV

There was little hope from what I believed. Of course Cyrus would go with TJ. He's tougher, more athletic and just better than me in every way.

TJ: Come on, let's go.

I noticed that TJ pulled Cyrus away, but Cyrus still had his hand on my arm, so I was dragged with him.

Me: What's going on?

Cyrus: I'm not going to do this to you Jonah. TJ, I don't want to go out with you. If you're going to be cruel to my friends.

TJ: That's not how it works---.

Buffy: Are you going, or do I have to make you?!

TJ: F-fine! I'm going!

Andi: Now who's the loser?

As TJ left, he pushed Cyrus slightly, so I felt now was the time to react. I shoved him to the ground and felt better.

Me: Don't ever touch him again! Understand?!

TJ got up and ran away, it almost looked as if he was crying. That was not my intention, but I hoped it sent a message.

Me: I'm so confused.

Cyrus: I should've been honest.

Me: What?

Cyrus: I wanted to go out with you.

Me: You did?

Cyrus: The girls will tell you so.

Me: TJ was right, I was jealous because I wanted to go out with you.

Cyrus: It's not too late, why don't we go out?

Me: Is this really happening?

Cyrus: Yes, so what do you say?

Me: I would be the luckiest guy alive, so yes!

Cyrus: Awesome!

I found myself with all my confidence restored. No longer did I have to hide my feelings, my friends still cared and that meant everything.

Thanks for reading.

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