Full Responsibility (Jyrus)

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Jonah takes Cyrus to a concert, and discovers how much he truly cares about his friend. Told from a single POV.

Jonah POV

I was really excited, as I was going to be taking Cyrus out for the evening. It was going to be a nice change, as we would get to hang out as bros.

He loved Ariana Grande, so I had got tickets for us to go to her concert. He was thrilled when I told him.

Losing track of time, mum drove me to his house. I was running quite late, so I had to make up for lost time. When he opened the front door, he threw his arms around me.

Me: Hey!

Cyrus: I almost thought you weren't coming.

Me: Aw, sorry I'm so late.

Cyrus: Oh well, you're here now.

Me: You ready?

Cyrus: You bet!

I chuckled at his enthusiasm and led him to my mum's car. She was very fond of Cyrus and greeted him pleasantly.

Mum: Hello Cyrus.

Cyrus: Hello Mrs Beck.

Mum: Such the gentleman.

Cyrus: Thanks.

Me: Mum, stop!

Mum: What? I'm just being kind.

Me: I know, but it's getting rather embarrassing.

I didn't mean to sound rude, but I did always find her love for him too much at times. Luckily for me, the journey went quickly.

Mum: Hope you have a good time!

Me: We will mum.

Cyrus: See you later.

Me: Be safe and don't do anything I wouldn't do.

She drove off smiling and I was relieved that it was only me and Cyrus. Being around him made me feel relaxed, as he was such a happy guy.

Cyrus: I can't believe we are here.

Me: Well, I'm pleased you're so happy.

As I walked towards where we were going to sit, I looked back and saw that Cyrus wasn't there.

Me: Shit! Where has Cyrus gone?!

I searched frantically, realising how upset Cyrus' parents were going to be. I lost him and they'd never forgive me.

Me: Cyrus! Cyrus! Where are you Cyrus!

I began to panic, my breath was speeding up and I was sweating. My world felt as if it was falling apart.

Sitting down on one of the empty seats, I was greeted by a familiar figure. It was clearly time to calm down as to my happiness, it was Cyrus.

Me: Cyrus!

I stood up and pulled him close to me, not wanting to let go. Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I felt a bit silly.

Cyrus: What's wrong?

Me: Where did you go?

Cyrus: I had to use the restroom.

Me: Why did you just walk off, I freaked out.

Cyrus: Sorry, I should've told you.

Me: Never leave me like that again!

Cyrus: I won't, I promise.

Me: Good, now come on let's watch the concert.

As the concert started, I looked over to Cyrus. He was so happy, and I knew I'd made a good choice in getting the tickets. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, which meant I missed the entire show.

As it finished, Cyrus looked at me and caught me staring. I felt awkward, but Cyrus didn't seam annoyed.

Cyrus: Enjoying the view, I see.

Me: Um... what?

Cyrus: You can't stop looking at this face, I can't say I'm surprised.

I never knew that Cyrus could be egotistical, but I had to admit that I quite liked that about him. He chuckled at how sappy I was getting.

Me: You are ridiculously cute!

I hadn't meant to say that, but I also knew that I was telling the truth, and my mum always told me to tell the truth. I didn't have o wait long for a reply.

Cyrus: You... really mean that?

Me: Of course I do, and I like you so much.

Cyrus: I'm speechless, so not only do I get my dream of going to an Ariana Grande concert, I also get my dream of you feeling the same way about me.

Me: You like me too?

Cyrus: You'd laugh if you saw the way I would look at you in class. When you would leave, I would get told off for not paying attention.

Me: Wow Cyrus, so can we consider this a date?

Cyrus: I think that's accurate Jonah.

Me: Shall we tell my mum?

Cyrus: Yes!

We walked over to the car and in order to make my point, I purposefully held Cyrus' hand as we approached. Mum was smiling.

Mum: So, are you two going out?

Me: Yes, Cyrus is my boyfriend.

Mum: That's great honey, welcome to the family Cyrus.

Cyrus: Thank you!

I kissed him on the cheek, and to my further surprise he kissed me on the lips. It was so perfect and nothing made me happier.

I hope you enjoyed this.

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