I'm Here (Jyrus)

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When Jonah meets up with Cyrus, he discovers the other boy crying. Upon finding out why, Jonah becomes angry.

Jonah had noticed that his friends were all acting very differently towards Cyrus. He had no idea what was going on, but he knew it must've been big. Without context though, it was difficult to understand.

He was going to meet Cyrus after school had finished. When he met up with the smaller boy, he saw that there were tears falling freely down his cheeks. This made Jonah very concerned.

Jonah: Cy, what's wrong?

Cyrus: I'm not going to tell you.

Jonah: Go on, I'm your friend, we don't keep secrets do we?

Cyrus: Jo, if I tell you, we won't be friends anymore.

Jonah: How can you even think that?

Cyrus: Because that's what happened with Andi, Buffy, TJ and pretty much everyone else I care about!

Jonah had never seen Cyrus this distressed before, and if confirmed his belief that something big was going on.

Jonah: I promise I won't be like them, please tell me.

Cyrus: I... don't think I can.

Jonah: Listen to me, you can always tell me anything.

Cyrus looked at Jonah and knew how much he still crushed on the taller boy. He was scared that telling his crush would make him lose everything, but he trusted Jonah.

Cyrus: The reason they all hate me is because, I like boys.

Jonah: So?

Cyrus: I don't think you understand, I'm saying that I'm gay.

Jonah: I knew what you said, and back to me last point... so?

Cyrus: You're okay with it?

Jonah: How could you ever doubt that, you are my friend and I would never judge you. I feel sorry for the others, how dare they do this!

It was a big moment for Cyrus, he had finally told his crush about his sexuality. However, there was still one thing he needed to say.

Cyrus: Thanks, but there's something else you should know.

Jonah: Okay.

Cyrus: I have the biggest crush on you.

Jonah: Oh...

That took Jonah by surprise, as well as taking his breath away. He wouldn't deny that he had always wondered exactly what he felt for Cyrus, and considering everything, he thought it would be an idea to find.

Cyrus: I'm sorry... I'll leave---.

Jonah: No! I'm really flattered Cyrus.

Cyrus: You are, Jonah?

Jonah: I think you should know that I have feeling for you too.

Cyrus did a double take... He couldn't believe what he had just heard. It was almost too good to be true.

Cyrus: I don't know what to say.

Jonah: Say that you'll go out with me...

Cyrus: Y-yes! I will!

Jonah: Now lets go and found our ex-friends and show them that we don't care!

Feeling a sense of mischief, Jonah grabbed Cyrus' hand and they walked together to The Spoon, where they found Andi and Buffy with Amber and TJ. They proudly joined the group and were greeted by a sea of angry faces.

Andi: What are you doing here?

Buffy: We don't like Cyrus anymore, why have you brought him here Jonah?

This was exactly what Jonah was hoping for. He was ready to take them all down a peg or two, as he was annoyed at how Cyrus was treated.

Jonah: I'm with my boyfriend, for your information.

TJ: Ew! You're both gross, get lost!

Amber: I can't believe I dated you.

Cyrus: Well I'm dating him now, you blew your chance.

Jonah: And we don't need any of you, to be happy.

Cyrus: We found true love, and none of you will.

Jonah couldn't be anymore in love at this point, and he grabbed Cyrus, crashing lips together so that they became one.

TJ: Ugh, get away!

Amber: This is disgusting.

Jonah: Not as disgusting as your face.

Cyrus: Good one!

Jonah: Come on babe, let's go!

Cyrus: Right you are honey!

Whilst the others were left in a state of shock, Jonah and Cyrus walked out of The Spoon without another care in the world.

Jonah: They aren't worth our time. I love you Cyrus.

Cyrus: You're amazing you know that? I love you too Jonah.

After some light laughter, the boys walked back to their houses together. No longer was Cyrus upset, for he had the only one that mattered, his soulmate Jonah.

Hope you enjoyed this part.

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