Yeah, 10 years old and I am 5'3. My dad told me I got the gene from him. He is 5'10, and his dad was 5'11. He tells me is not something I should be ashamed of and it's something pretty cool.

“Yeah and no. Joe is 19 years old. His birthday is in 3 weeks. I don't know which day though. Oh and mine will be in two weeks!” yeah I talk a lot, especially when I meet a stranger.

Ashley just chuckles and turns to Joe.  He just keeps looking at me.
He smiles and tells Ashley that they will talk later. He kisses her on the cheek and walks her to the corner. He run towards my direction.

“Widow, you talk a lot.”

“Sorry, I get like nervous with new people. So why were you fighting about? Is she your girlfriend?”

Joe just smiles, “Okay and just and yes.” He starts to chuckle almost laughing. I can't help but to start laughing too.

“Why are we laughing?” I ask in between my laughter.

“I don't know but I know a way to laugh more.” He picks me up with one arm and runs towards his backyard.

“You have a trampoline! Awesome!” I say.

“You want to get in it?”

I nod and run inside. Joe follows me behind and we start to jump.

“Hey check this out!” Joe yells. He does a flip.

“Cool! Ha!” I laugh and scream in happiness.

I grew tired and we stop. We lay down on the trampoline.

“Joe,"I say.

“Yeah Widow?”

“Do you love Ashley?”

“Why do you ask that?” Joe asks.

“I don't know. She is very pretty. I like her curly hair.”

“Yeah she is pretty, I also like her hair. It's soft.” Joe smiles. He really likes her.

“But do you love her? Are you getting married?” I couldn't avoid but to ask that. I get very curious.

“Whoa! Widow, I am only 19, I need to enjoy life. I like her a lot but not enough to actually love her," Joe says.

“Oh that's sweet then, and well my parents got married when they were young at a beach somewhere in Florida.”

We lay there for some time, until I hear a woman's voice, “Jose! Donde estas?”

Is she speaking Japanese? French? I don't understand what she is screaming.

“Joe are you half Japanese?” I suddenly ask.

Joe stands, I guess he heard the Japanese woman screaming.

“Let's go Widow.”

Joe runs towards the front yard, I follow him.

“Oh there you are Jose, a lady is looking for-.” She stops talking when she saw me.

“Are you Widow?” she asks.

I just nod.

“Ma is something wrong? And how did you know her name?” Joe asks the lady.

I see my mom running towards me with open arms. “There you are Widow. Jesus you gave me a scare!” she hugs me so tight that I can barely breath.

“I'm okay mom.” I say. She seems so worried.

“Okay I am totally in confusion right now. What's going on?” Joe asks.

“Claire how about you come inside for some coffee and introduce ourselves right?” the lady asks my mom.

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