Enter Chuunibyou

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Upon arriving Tobi and Satoshi were in a wood area presumably a park. The sun had set so Satoshi assumed this place shared time just like the Hidden Leaf. After taking a moment to make sure the coast was clear, Tobi walked to a tree.

"Well?" he asked as if someone was there.

Satoshi raised a brow as he did not see anyone or sense anyone nearby. Before he could ask Satoshi heard a sound like something coming from the tree. Curious the young Uchiha walked to the tree and to his shock saw some weird shape of mass emerge from the tree. He could not make out the shape but could tell it was humanoid. 

"I have all the info you want here." it said in a serious yet dark tone. Tobi took the scroll and handed to his apprentice.

"Satoshi meet my subordinate Violet Zetsu."  he introduced. 

"Nice to meet you." the young Uchiha replied a little timid.

"Same keeper of the Emerald Sharingan." Zetsu replied.

"Now on to business this scroll has a list of the patients' and their school. Tonight I want you to research all the notes Zetsu has got hear. You will attend school with them as a senior, get as close to them as you can. Hear is the key to the hotel room." Tobi handed over a key.

"After school I will check in with you." with that, Satoshi used Kamui and left.


Satoshi arrived at class 15 minutes early. There wasn't many students just what Satoshi was hoping. In one seat was a girl with a medical eyepatch over her right eye with dark blue purplish hair. Second another student with brown hair and green eyes. Looks like I found Dark Flame Master and Tyrant's Eye. Yuuta Togashi and Rikka Takanashi. Satoshi then took his seat at the very back of the class reading.

"Hey Rikka did you see him?" Yuuta asked.

"Yes. By the power of my eye I see all." Rikka said dramatically. Yuuta rolled his eyes giving her a thump on the head. Satoshi had seen this and took note. 'just like Zetsu's notes described.'

Once class started the teacher stood at the front. "Dear class we have a new student would you come introduce yourself." Taking a deep breath  Satoshi walked to the front of the class and faced them. 

"Good afternoon my name is Satoshi Takahashi. I have been homeschooled my whole life so I'm a little shy." Satoshi started.

"Would Nibutani step forward please." the teacher asked.

A girl with light brown hair and orange eyes stepped forward.

"This is our freshman rep. Will you guide our student around today and make sure he signs up for club?" the teacher asked.

"Of course I will." she said cheerfully.

"Excellent now please return to your seats." the teacher ordered.

Upon returning to his seat only one though was in his mind. So in one class there are 3 patients: Dark Flame Master, Tyrant's Eye, and now Morning Summer.

Satoshi spent the rest of the morning periods keeping an eye on them. Thankfully the young Uchiha participated in the Third Grate Ninja War. So it was easy to spy on them without drawing attention. Lunch time came around and Nibutani brought Satoshi to a billboard with all the clubs posted. There was cooking, archery, martial arts, gardening, etc, Satoshi stopped at a club that caught his attention.

"Excuse me class rep." Satoshi said trying to keep up his shy timid act.

"What's up?" she asked.

"What is this club?" He said point at one.

The class rep saw which one he pointed to. Everything went quiet as soon as she saw which one he was pointing to. Without saying anything she walked away. 'So it looks like Zetsu was right again. She is embarrassed about her past. After about 5 minutes she came back dragging Yuuta by his ear.

"Explain." she said coldly.

"So what's this question you have?" Yuuta asked.

"This one." Satoshi said pointing.

Upon looking Yuuta face palmed, of course it had to be that one. 

"I apologize but is there something wrong with this club?" Satoshi asked.

"Just come and see what it's like." Yuuta said.

I nodded and they left. So now that I'm in there club I will see what they are like. The rest of the day went and came quickly. Satoshi finished class and then approached by Rikka, with another girl with two long blonde tail tied with small weighed bangs.

"So you wish to join our club?" Rikka asked in your usual dynamic tone.

I nodded.

"I don't think his worth master." the girl girl said.

"We will give him a chance he might be a good addition." Rikka said guiding Satoshi to the room. 

The next hour and a half was interesting to say the least. From what I was able to gather the with two tails of blonde hair is Dekomori also known as Mjolnir Hammer. Also she seem to annoy Morning Summer and is Rikka's servant.  Yuuta  seem to be annoyed my her antics but not as much Morning Summer. Finally the club ended and we parted ways. As Satoshi entered his hotel room Tobi and Zetsu were waiting.

"So where they what you were expecting?" Tobi asked.

"Everything I would expect from young teens believing they have superpowers." Satoshi answered unenthused.

"Well in the next couple of days we will recruit them to fight with us." Tobi informed.

"Yeah now explain how we are gonna get 4 young teens who play pretend to help us against actual threats? Satoshi questioned, he could tell Tobi was smiling behind his mask and did not like it. 

"First we tell them the truth of Rikka's father. Once they know then they will 'gain' their respective powers. Then we will test them." Tobi informed.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Okay so that's it for chapter 2. Questions, comments, etc I welcome it. Okay so this without saying, SPOILERS. So in the anime Rikka became a chuunibyou after her fathers death. However what if there is more to this then just his death. what secrets were kept from Rikka and her family? How will Yuuta react? find out in the next chapter, TRUTH.

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