Enter Satoshi Uchiha

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The third great ninja war was finally over. Satoshi was a chunnin durning the war his preformance during the war earned him premotion to Jonin. As humbled as Satoshi was with the offer he had to decline. For it was true next Minato Namikaze Satoshi had the best preformance of anyone durning the war. But as impressive as it was his success held a great secret, his mentor, Tobi.

A couple of months before the war Satoshi was training by himself trying to improve his Mangekyo Sharingan. You see unlike the rest of his clan Satoshi's sharingan was not red it was green, emraled green and taking the form of an open rose bud with a ring of pretals around it. With the left eye allowing him to use Amaterasu. Right eye uses Kamui. Both together made eneies run. Even worse a Susanoo.  Satoshi's susanoo was dark grey with wicked black marks over it.

Well back to the point while traing Satoshi encountered a masked man. He wore a traditonal Uchiha blue robes. Long black spiky hair that was waist length. He wore a shelthed katana on his left side, with a yellow mask with black flames. At first the meeting was violent with him slaughtering Satoshi's squad. However once the mask saw Satoshi's unique eyes he relented killing him.  He left only his name, Tobi.

Useing the war Tobi taught Satoshi a multitude of techniques. Storing shuriken in the kamui dimension, then useing kamui to project them at enemies. Useing Kamui with fire style. And later more advance maneuvers.  Susanoo and its varity of weapons: Yasaka magatama, forming weapons such as swords and arrows, and using the bow like shield on his susanoo's right arm.  Satoshi ended up creating a new jutsu he couldn't wait to show his mentor. 

Now back to the present. The sun was setting and satoshi had got everything his mentor asked for. A suicide note, his Yu Gi Oh deck, weapons, dressed in black with cloth over his upper face. After doing a final check, the young Uchiha used kamui to telport to Nakano Shrine. Once there He found his mentor already waiting.

"I trust you brought everything?" he asked.

"Yes." Satoshi handed over the note.

"Exellent." Tobi then handed it to a white Zetsu.

"So whats the plan?" Satoshi asked.

"First you must already be aware that the village elders are suspesious of you." Tobi started.

"Indeed it seems my Emerald Sharingan catches alot of attention."

"Yes it seems as though Danzo is one who is after them. As well as other fellow Uchiha." Tobi informed.

The young Uchiha was dishearted to hear this. Not about Danzo no, Danzo was withered old badger. But the fact that some Uchiha where planning on stealing his eyes too.

"So first Zetsu will take on your apperance and impersonate you. Second he will take your suicide note and  fake your death." he explained while bringing out a black and white scroll.

"Whats that?" Satoshi asked.

"This scroll is leanked to many different worlds." 

"I dont understand."

"Worlds with demons, angels, fallen anagels, avatars, and much more. You and I will go through these worlds. The experiance will help develop our powers even more." Tobi explained. 

"So thats why? Just to develop our visual prowess?" Satoshi asked skeptical. True he would like to think of Tobi as friend, he taught in do or die times and slaughtered his whole squard.

Satoshi did not trust that was Tobi's only reason but decided to go with it.

"So where do we begin?" Satoshi asked.

"Do you know of Chuunibyou Syndrome?" Tobi asked.

Satoshi shook his head no.

"Heh, you see it's a disease that affects early teens. It can hit you out of the ordinary, it can be caused from angish just like the sharingan, there are other ways to get it as well. When someone gets it they start beliveing they have hidden knowledge or powers. Some people can overcome it, grow out of it or even live the rest of thier lives with it."

"So basically it's a disease that causes you to play make believe?"  Satoshi asked puzzled. 

"Yes, and no."

"I don't understand."

" They do have those powers but the barrier between worlds keeps them from physically useing them."

"So we get to them then what?"

"I have a scroll hidden in a tree truck outside of Japan. It has a list of kids who have it. First we have to get them together. Then get them to understand and accept their condition. Once they do the powers will become real." Tobi explained.

"And then what?" Satoshi asked.

"All good things to those who wait." Tobi said, opening the scroll and teleporting themselves to Japan.


So that's the start. Tobi and Satoshi start in the world of Chunibyou. So my readers what do you think like, dislike, commet, review theres still alot of other worlds to explore. 

The Uchiha PhoenixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora