Chapter 83

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Her answer was in her actions: Her hands clutched at his hips and pulled him closer. Kissing her, his erection inched forward. His hips rocked in gentle pushes. He endorsed the pace she dictated. And he knew he was seconds away from ejaculating. But he was not willing to do that without her having an orgasm. He struggled to hold on to his control.

Her lips glued to his, she arched against him and her tongue took his tongue into her mouth. She encouraged him when he felt a barrier. Sweat slicked his back. He was about to withdraw when she clutched at his hips and pulled him even closer. Gently he breached it, kept his movement gentle, and with her help he inched forward. Her fingers grasped his bed sheet, clutching as the penetration continued, before returning to his shoulders, leaving her marks on his body. He planted soft, gentling kisses against her cheek, her eyelids, her lips, and took his time to kiss her tenderly, as he continued to pump gently. His tongue imitating the gentle thrust of his erection in her. But penetration was hot and tight, and well beyond her expectation. No pain. Just fireworks. And it came in all hues. Her cardiac system lit up. Nerves erupted in delight. He continued to pump albeit with more force. Encouraged by her moans and pleas as she clenched and milked him dry. He remembered calling out her name, at the same time that she had all but yelled his, when they came together. He tipped over, taking her with him.

It took him minutes to recover. His body was trembling with the aftermath of something he'd never experienced before. The unanticipated drain of power, the unpredicted lack of control, the unimagined overwhelming surge of lust.

As his memory-movie left him breathless. He also remembered he had woken up in the middle of the night, reached for her and they made love again. And again.

Then he'd fallen asleep. Deeply. No energy. No conscious. When did she leave?

But at least she had left him with a note. She was coming back, with his washed t-shirt, according to her note. That made him smile. For the first time in months he felt as if he had some hope with her. A chance.

He snuggled into the pillow, inhaled her scent, but that wasn't enough. He blew out a breath, and started to make plans.

He got to his feet. First thing, another shower, his head suggested.

Twenty minutes later he arrived at his brother's house.

He stood at the front door and when the door opened, David said, "Where is she?"

Amelia folded her arms, rolled her arms, "In my experience, most people start with Good morning if they arrived at someone's place at seven am."

"Good morning Amelia. Where is she?"

"Is that David?" David recognised his brother's voice.


"Aren't going to let him in?" Jack said from the corridor seeing David was still at the door.

Amelia looked over her shoulder, at her husband, "I am just trying to educate your brother about normal etiquette! Like saying Good morning!"

David ignored Amelia. "Where is she?" David said on top of Amelia's voice and looked over her head to look at Jack.

"I assume, Ella?" Jack said, and came closer. "She isn't here." Jack stated bluntly.

"Well she must have stayed with someone! She has rented out her place, Evie said at Mallory's wedding that she has not sorted out their problem, so I figure Ella came here. I want to talk her." David grumbled.

Jack raised his arms, "She isn't here, Dave."

David poked his tongue into his cheek as he watched his brother. "She isn't here." David repeated as he read the honesty in Jack's eyes.

"She came over around six." Jack watched his brother and recognised the frustration. "She didn't sleep at our place."

Typical brothers. Amelia stood aside to allow David into the house. No point continuing with her tutoring David about etiquette given David and Jack continued with their conversation about Ella's position. 

"I figured she stayed with you!" Jack said bluntly. And Jack wasn't surprised when he saw David's blush. Well, at least Jack knew where Ella stayed last night.

"Me?" David folded his arms.

Keeping it light, Jack said, "Yes. Kate was looking for you at Mallory's wedding. Kate said she was going to offer you a lift home, but someone told her that they saw you leave with Ella. She stayed with you?" It was a question rather than a statement. But David did not answer that question.

Amelia joined into the conversation, might as well she thought. What is it they say, if you can't beat them, join them. "I figured she dropped you off and went to a motel. Do you want coffee?" Amelia walked away, heading for the kitchen.

"Do you know which motel?" David followed automatically, leaving Jack to close the front door.

"No." Amelia said bluntly.

"She must have told you." David grumbled with frustration showing in his tone.

Amelia rolled her eyes at David's tone. "We only had a quick coffee this morning." She lifted the percolator, "Coffee?" David nodded. Amelia continued, " She told me at the wedding that she only decided to come, quite late, actually."

"Oh?" He reached for the mug that Amelia handed over.

"Yes. She told me and Mallory that she would try to be here. But I wasn't sure if she could make it. Apparently there was a clashed with her appointments for this weekend. "

"And she came here for coffee?" David frowned. He wondered if Ella came here in his tshirt.

"Yes, we agreed at Mallory's wedding, that she could stop by today for a quick coffee. We didn't have enough time at Mallory's wedding. And she didn't want to take advantage of us, just in case her flight was late, so she booked into a motel to change for the wedding."

Jack watched his brother's expression. It reminded him of his own reaction when he couldn't find Amelia. "Why are you here?" Jack asked. Jack reached for his own mug, "Especially as I can remember that you, last night, practically drank the bar to dry." Jack looked at David, and was not surprised to see that David didn't have a hangover.

"I wanted to talk to her."

"Now?" He flicked at his shirtsleeve, looked at his watch, "At ten minutes past seven?"

"Yes, so what? You are awake! And she came here for coffee, at six!" David looked over at Amelia. "Why six? You could have brunch..."

"I told you. Clashed appointments. She booked an early flight back, because she had to get back to Auckland. She just stop by before she headed off for her flight."

"Do you know what appointment?"

"She didn't say." 

"She is your friend. Surely she would tell you."

Jack and David looked at each other and shrugged.

"She was busy! Running around like a headless chook! She even didn't have time to dried her hair." Well at least David knew she hadn't arrived in her tshirt. She must have taken a shower at her motel. "She said it was a surprise and she was sworn to secrecy, but it was something to do with the awards dinner tonight!"

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